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Rangel Joins Colleagues In Opposition To Vote For Palestinian Statehood

NEW YORK, NY – Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined members of the New York Delegation, local New York City elected officials and leaders from the North American Jewish community to speak in opposition to a United Nations (UN) vote on unilateral Palestinian statehood, and demanded a return to bilateral, direct negotiations toward a two-state solution.

Israel-Palestinean Presser NYC 9.26.11.JPG“While we all desire a two-state solution that embraces a Jewish state of Israel and a sovereign and secure Palestinian state living side-by-side in mutual recognition and peace, we are no closer to that goal today than we were yesterday," Rangel said. "The need to sit down together to address issues of security and borders cannot be trumped by a universal declaration of statehood, no matter what the international community tries to dictate."

The leaders also addressed the potential consequences for the future stability and welfare of the region if a unilateral Palestinian statehood is pursued.

Last week, a petition of more than 100,000 supporters was delivered to UN officials expressing opposition to the Palestinian statehood initiative. The action reflected a powerful expression by Jews and non-Jews alike in support of bilateral, direct negotiations toward a two state solution. The petition and the press conference were initiated by JCRC-NY in conjunction with the Israel Action Network, an initiative of The Jewish Federations of North America, and in partnership with the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.

“Today’s press conference sends a clear message that New York’s elected officials, from both parties, strongly oppose the Palestinian bid for statehood at the U.N. and support direct negotiations instead,” said Michael Miller, Executive Vice President and CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York.

“We all share one goal: peace,” said Rabbi Steve Gutow, Israel Action Network co-sponsor, President/CEO of Jewish Council for Public Affairs in partnership with The Jewish Federations of North America. “Outstanding issues ranging from borders and security to the fate of refugees require cooperation and good faith between the parties, not a unilateral declaration of independence that ignores Israel as a partner in peace. It is time to sit together and make peace; time to stop the posturing and strident rhetoric that characterized President Abbas’s speech.  Israel is ready to meet without preconditions. We ask the same of the Palestinians. Peace needs partners.”

"I am hopeful that the next few weeks and months will allow the Israelis and Palestinians the opportunity to acknowledge and reconcile their differences while reaching an agreement for the sake of peace, history, and their children," Rangel added.

The complete list of speakers at the event outside the UN Headquarters is as follows:

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Rep. Charles Rangel
Rep. Gary Ackerman
Rep. Nan Hayworth
Rep. Nita Lowey
Rep. Carolyn Maloney
Rep. Jerrold Nadler
Rep. Bob Turner
NY-State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli
NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio
NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn
Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer Michael S. Miller – Executive Vice President and CEO, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York Alan Jaffe – President, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York Rabbi Steve Gutow – Israel Action Network co-sponsor, President/CEO of Jewish Council for Public Affairs in partnership with The Jewish Federations of North America Jerry Levin – The Jewish Federations of North America Board of Trustees member and president of the Board of UJA-Federation of New York



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