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Rangel: Cutting Benefits Mean Cutting Jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel gave the following remarks on the House floor today in support of a responsible federal budget that will not cut benefits for those who need them most :

New Picture (3).jpg"In my district, most of my constituents go wondering how they are going to get a job and take care of their families.
So many Americans have lost their jobs through no fault of their own; they did not commit any wrong doing. Many lost their savings, many are homeless, without any self-esteem, and health benefits.

They look at this Congress to put America back on the right track; to restore the middle class that made us such a great and successful nation.

Instead of talking jobs, we find ourselves putting our President in hostage by saying, unlike other Presidents, we are not going to increase the debt ceiling. This is a technical way of saying we owe $14.3 trillion to people whom we borrowed from for unnecessary wars and irresponsible tax cuts and other things the unemployed people of the United States are not responsible for.

Instead of talking about jobs, we are talking about cutting spending. The people who lost their jobs may lose their Medicaid. The elder people who may soon be eligible for Medicare are at risk.

Cutting these benefits is not just cutting benefits for the vulnerable, but is also cutting jobs. You can't cut benefits without cutting hospital workers, nurses and doctors who provide their services.

Pastors and rabbis and imams ask why we are just picking just on the vulnerable. Why are you picking just on the sick, poor and aged? Is there another way we can solve this problem? There is another way.

We have been blessed in this country with riches our parents and grandparents would never have thought would have existed.

We have four thousand pastors who have said that this is not just a political obligation but more importantly, a moral obligation to the people that have no lobbyists.

While we decide what is our responsibility some people have come to this Congress with a commitment not to raise taxes no matter what. No matter whether we're attacked, whether revenue comes from obscene tax offenses or whether our tax code could be improved.

For those who remember the kamikaze pilots, these were people who were ready to lose their own lives in fighting our forces in World War Two, even if they meant they were destroying somebody. There are people here who are ready to destroy the fiscal reputation of the United States of America so that they can say they fulfilled their commitment to not raise any taxes.

I see no one on television talking about the poor, but thank God we do have ministers, priests, rabbis, imams, most of whom who have said, "This land is our land," and come to this country from all parts of the world, and that we never will forget where we come from. I hope our kids and grandkids will be able to enjoy the benefits of us doing the right thing."

Watch Congressman Rangel address the House below:




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