
e-News November 29, 2009

Rodney Visits Afghanistan
Shares pre-Thanksgiving meal with the troops

Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen is back in New Jersey today after visiting troops in Afghanistan as part of an official Congressional delegation.

Frelinghuysen and fellow members of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense were in Afghanistan to review ongoing military operations, discuss the need for additional resources and thank the troops for their contributions to our national security. 

“Like my previous visits to the war zones, I come away from Afghanistan so impressed by the quality of the young volunteers who are defending our security,” said Frelinghuysen, a veteran from the Vietnam era.  “Make no mistake, the work of these young soldiers and Marines is extremely challenging and so very important and I was proud to thank them on behalf of the people of New Jersey.”

The delegation visited Kabul and Kandahar and met with the top American commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal.   They visited with deployed Marines at a forward operating base and reviewed training of the Afghan Security Forces and the National Police.