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Reining in Washington Spending and Creating Jobs

Our nation’s job-crushing debt crisis is a symptom—reckless spending is the disease. I am committed to reining in out-of-control spending to revive our economy, create jobs and save our children from a future mired in debt.

Reforming America's Health Care

Our nation’s job-crushing debt crisis is a symptom—reckless spending is the disease. I am committed to reining in out-of-control spending to revive our economy, create jobs and save our children from a future mired in debt.

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Current Issues

Hensarling Statement on Taxpayer Relief Act

WASHINGTON- U.S. Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) issued the following statement on H.R. 8, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. “America is staring in the face of a spending-driven debt crisis, the likes of which is putting us on the road to becoming Greece. After amassing more debt in four years than in all of our nation’s previous years combined, shockingly the president’s only solution is to offer both more small business tax increases and more federal spending increases....

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