Weekly Address Highlights: Speaker Boehner Wishes All Americans a Merry Christmas

In the Weekly Republican Address, Speaker Boehner wishes the American people a Merry Christmas while expressing his commitment to continue working with colleagues in Congress & the White House to protect middle-class families and small businesses from the fiscal cliff.  Below, check out more coverage of this week's address, which you can now read, listen to, watch, and download.

  • “Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Saturday argued that Democrats, not Republicans, need to bring a ‘responsible solution’ to the negotiating table in order to avoid the so-called ‘fiscal cliff’ at the end of the year. … Boehner's speech is a strong rebuttal to the blame Democrats have heaped on Republicans as being too ‘extreme’ to negotiate.  Boehner argued that Obama needs to ‘challenge the members of his party to deal honestly with entitlement reform and the big issues facing our nation.’  Boehner made it clear in the address that, despite pressure to make further concessions, he is holding his ground. … Boehner promised that he is still ready and willing to work with Congress and the White House to agree on a plan, because ‘hope springs eternal.’  ‘For now, I wish all the American people a blessed and Merry Christmas,’ he added.” (“Boehner challenges Obama, Democrats to act on fiscal cliff,” The Hill, 12/22/12)
  • “House Speaker Boehner … delivered this week’s Republican address about the will of the House to avert the fiscal deadline.  ‘Unfortunately,’ the Speaker says, ‘the president and Senate Democrats have vowed to reject and veto all of our proposals while failing to offer a responsible solution of their own.’  Boehner says President Obama has yet to propose a plan that will ‘solve our spending problem’ or ‘address our nation’s crippling debt.’ … Before wishing Americans ‘a blessed and Merry Christmas,’ Boehner says he remains hopeful that the President and Congress can work together and ‘do the right thing,’ to protect families and small businesses.” (ABC News Radio, 12/22/12)
  • Boehner used his address to put the burden for a breakthrough on Obama and Democrats, who he said were not making the tough choices he had put forward.  ‘The House has done its part to avert this entire fiscal cliff," he said. "On the 10th of May and again on Thursday, we passed legislation that would replace the 'sequester' with responsible spending cuts.  We also passed a bill to stop all of the January 1 tax hikes.’  …And on Saturday he said Obama ‘refuses to challenge the members of his party to deal honestly with entitlement reform and the big issues facing our nation.’ … The speaker sounded a hopeful note in closing.” (“Before leaving town, Boehner puts fiscal cliff onus on Obama,” CNN, 12/22/12)
  • "In the weekly Republican Party radio address on Saturday, House Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress, said that that President Barack Obama's proposal to solve the crisis by raising taxes 'would still leave red ink as far as the eye can see.'  'What the president has offered so far simply won't do anything to solve our spending problem and begin to address our nation's crippling debt,' Boehner said.  'Instead, he wants more spending and more tax hikes that will hurt our economy.  And he refuses to challenge the members of his party to deal honestly with entitlement reform and the big issues facing our nation. That is why we find ourselves here today.'" (AFP, 12/22/12)
  • “In the Republican address, House Speaker John Boehner urges Democrats to work with Republicans in Congress on spending cuts and tax reforms. He says, ‘Hope springs eternal.’” (Associated Press, 12/22/12)