Women Hurting in the Obama Economy: Part II

September 5, 2012

“The sluggish recovery from the Great Recession has been better for men than for women... In the recovery, the unemployment rate for men has decreased, but it has increased for women.”

                                                                                                    —Pew Research Center, July 6, 2012


  • Recent polls have all concluded the same thing—women are most concerned with jobs and the economy, unemployment, the federal deficit, and gas prices. 
  • Women are not concerned about federal birth control policies.  Unfortunately for the president, his policies on health care, gas prices, and unemployment are not yielding results and are unfavorable with many Americans. 
  • In light of this, the president and Democrats will continue their diversionary tactics this week at their convention, focusing on federal birth control policies instead of the president’s failed economic policies.  Fortunately, polls show that women see the forest through the trees and know that this election is not about birth control, but rather a president who has failed to fix a struggling economy. 
  • Recent polls confirm what Republicans already know.  Women overwhelmingly believe that the direction of the economy is on the wrong track (37 to 55 percent).  Women are concerned about how federal policies will affect their families and their ability to care for their families; not whether or not the federal government will provide them with free birth control. 

“Women should consider what it says about the administration’s record that such scare tactics are the best Democrats have to offer.  Four years ago, women overwhelmingly supported candidate Obama based on his promise of a robust economic recovery and a new tone in Washington.  Today, Democrats can’t brag about greater civility or prosperity, only of an expanded safety net that helps Americans weather the never-ending economic storm.”



  • 860,000 More Unemployed Women Under President Obama: Since President Obama took office in January 2009, the number of unemployed women in American has increased by 860,000, from 5 million to 5.86 million according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • 4.1 Million Women Driven Out of the Workforce: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of women who reported that they are not looking for work has increased by 4.1 million since January 2009, when President Obama took office. The number of women outside the labor force has jumped from 49.2 million to 53.3 million. While the president tries to tout his focus on American women, his failed economic policies have actually driven nearly four million out of the workforce.
  • Unemployment Rate Among Women Up 16% Under President Obama: Since President Obama took office, the unemployment rate among all women (ages 16 years and over) has increased by 16 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. When President Obama took office, the unemployment rate among women—which is traditionally lower than the overall unemployment rate—was 7 percent. In June 2012, the rate increased to 8.1 percent.
  • Unemployment Among Single Women Jumps to 12.9%: From April to June, the unemployment rate for single women jumped from 10.1 percent when President Obama took office to 12.9 percent today, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Unemployment among single women in July was the highest it has been since August of last year. 
  • The Number of Unemployed Women Looking for Full Time Work Up 635,000: The number of women who are unemployed and struggling to find full time work in this economy has grown by 635,000 since President Obama took office.
  • Gas Prices Rise, Take Even Bigger Chunk Out of the Family Budget: When President Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost $1.89. Today, a gallon of gas costs $3.82. Since President Obama took office, gas prices have more than doubled while household income has fallen.
  • Costs Have Gone Up, and Wages Have Gone Down:  A recent Pew study found that “women are the only group for whom employment growth lagged behind population growth from 2009 to 2011.” 
  • Women, All Americans Are Worse-Off than Four Years Ago:

President Obama's Record Since Taking Office







Median Income



Gas Prices



National Debt

$10.6 Trillion

$16 Trillion

Sources: BLS; Sentier Research; AAA; DOE; Treasury














House Republicans have worked to enact a solution for the unemployment crisis – the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators, which includes dozens of bipartisan bills that Senator Harry Reid is blocking in the Do-Nothing Democrat Senate. 

Among many other jobs bills that are being blocked in the Senate, House Republicans have voted to:

  • Stop the president’s small businesses tax hike that will destroy an additional 700,000 jobs.
  • Reduce the unnecessary red tape that is keeping small business from creating jobs.
  • Institute an all-of-the-above energy strategy that will lower energy prices, create jobs and bring us closer to energy independence.  

This plan is focused on protecting taxpayers and helping small businesses grow the economy and create more and better paying jobs for all Americans struggling during the worst employment crisis since the Great Depression.


For more information or questions please contact Sarah Makin at 6-2302.


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