Power Lines: May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012

I think we are all unanimous by saying we should build the (Keystone XL) pipeline…

                                                        AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, C-SPAN, May 6, 2012  

The filing of a new application this week to construct the Keystone XL pipeline reminds Americans of the hollow excuses and continued failed policies of President Obama and Congressional Democrats, while Republicans continue to fight for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline which would create over 20,000 jobs and promote energy independence at a time of higher gas prices and lower family incomes. 


Newspaper editorial boards across the country continue to speak out against President Obama’s opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.  A Denver Post editorial pointed out, “The case for the pipeline has always been compelling if environmental concerns could be satisfied.”  The piece also notes that, “Republicans have the better arguments on the merits of the pipeline.” 

A recent Investor’s Business Daily editorial noted the significant support for the project by traditionally liberal leaning labor unions. “[A] major part of the Democratic base, are backing the project, including the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the International Union of Operating Engineers, the Teamsters, the Laborers International Union, the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, and the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters for the United States and Canada.  They want the jobs, not the campaign rhetoric’.”

Last week a Washington Post editorial commented, “The case for ultimately approving the Keystone XL pipeline – always strong – has grown stronger … President Obama’s refusal so far to authorize Keystone XL has little rational basis.”


Late last week, Speaker Boehner spoke on Keystone saying, “The House remains firmly committed to fighting for Keystone in the upcoming negotiations on the energy and infrastructure bill if the president continues to put politics before American jobs. When jobs and energy top the American people’s concerns, there is no reason for this project to be left behind.”

House Republicans have taken action on the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline four times and approved other measures to address rising energy costs and create new jobs.  Under the American Energy Initiative, the House has approved several bipartisan bills that remove government barriers to production and stop policies that drive up energy costs. You can see a full list here.

The House Republican Conference’s “Win Your Debate Kit” on Energy and Gas Prices can be found here.

For questions or further information contact Sarah Makin

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