September Unemployment by the Numbers

October 8, 2010

“It is all about a four—letter word: jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.  We are all about jobs.”
—Speaker Nancy Pelosi, May 5, 2010

$1,161,000,000,000:  The total cost of the Democrats “stimulus.”  CBO estimates the cost of the bill will reach $814 billion and interest on the debt for the bill will be at least $347 billion. 

9.6%: The unemployment rate for the month of September.

17: The number of consecutive months that unemployment has been above 9 percent.

14: The number of consecutive months that unemployment has been above 9.5 percent—the longest such span since the Great Depression.

95,000: The number of jobs lost in the month of September.

17.1%: The rate of underemployment in September.  This accounts for the unemployed, those unable to find full-time work and those discouraged from looking for work.

14,767,000: The number of unemployed Americans looking for work in the month of September.

41,836,330: The number of Americans receiving food stamps.

7.9%: The level at which President Obama claimed unemployment would peak if the stimulus was passed.

2,622,000: The number of net jobs lost since the Democrats “stimulus” was signed into law.

33.3: The average number of weeks that job seekers have been unemployed.

9,472,000: The number of Americans who are working only part-time because they cannot find full time employment—the highest number ever.

2,548,000: The number of unemployed Americans who want work, but who have stopped looking because of the state of the economy.

6,123,000: The number of Americans unemployed and searching for work for more than 27 weeks.

1,187,000: The number of job seekers that are new entrants to the workforce and have yet to find a job.

26%: The unemployment rate among job seekers between the ages of 16 and 19.

16.1%: The unemployment rate among African Americans.

12.4%: The unemployment rate among Hispanics and Latinos.

707,000: The number of manufacturing jobs lost since the stimulus was signed into law.

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