Hensarling Statement on Latest Unemployment Report

November 2, 2012

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today regarding the latest unemployment report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“Today’s news is a serious reminder that President Obama has failed the American people and that his policies are only making our economy worse. Even though the president told us 45 months ago that unemployment would never rise above 8 percent, his record is now 2 for 45, with unemployment at least 7.8 percent for every month of Barack Obama’s presidency. Not only is the jobless rate going up, but as more Americans lose hope altogether, the ‘real’ unemployment rate is now 14.6 percent.

“President Obama had an entire term in office to turn around our economy and restore job growth for the American people and he failed. He enjoyed two full years with his party in complete control of Congress, and now more than 20 million Americans are struggling to find full-time work; the number of food stamp recipients is at an all-time high; new business creation is at a generational low; half the nation is living in or near poverty; everyone is paying more to fill up their cars, put food on their tables, and send their kids to school. That the president commented not long ago that ‘the private sector is doing fine’ is full proof that America needs a fresh start.

“The president’s failed leadership stems from a failed vision that sees government as the center of all progress, productivity, and prosperity in our society. In his view, Americans don’t produce success – the government does. When this vision prolonged the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression, the president turned to the politics of diversion, division, and envy designed to preserve only one job: his own.

“The House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators has stood as an alternative to the president’s failed approach and has ushered more than 30 bipartisan jobs bills through passage onto Harry Reid’s doorstep, where most of them are still waiting. Our plan protects all Americans from higher taxes, ends our spending-driven debt crisis, unleashes American energy production, and strengthens and saves our health and retirement security plans for future generations. Our plan will get America back on track and I look forward to working with a president who will help us do it.”


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