Hensarling Statement on House Effort to Reduce Red Tape for America's Job Creators

July 26, 2012

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today regarding the passage of H.R. 4078, the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act. The legislation would impose a moratorium on non-health and emergency-related federal regulations until national unemployment drops beneath 6 percent. It also includes measures to curtail so-called “midnight regulations” and to highlight the prevalence of “sue and settle” agreements.

“Small business owners know no greater adversary than Washington red tape, and red tape has no better friend than this administration. In order to restore much of the freedom and certainty job creators need to do their job, House Republicans have taken action to freeze the regulations that are freezing small businesses until unemployment drops to 6 percent or lower.

“The Obama administration’s failed policies are directly at odds with job creators across the nation, especially in the realm of red tape. Since the president took office, the implementation of major regulations has increased by more than half, leaving more red tape on the books than ever before in American history. The president may not believe small businessmen and women created their own businesses, but they are saying, ‘Mr. President, not only did you not create our business, but your regulatory policies are actually hurting our business.’

“Washington red tape has become so oppressive and so frustrating that one small business owner in my district told me that he no longer believes his government wants him to succeed. Instead of portraying successful job creators in the most negative light, the president should work with House Republicans to reduce the regulatory burdens that are making it impossible for businesses to grow and create much-needed jobs during the worst jobs crisis since the Great Depression.”


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