Hensarling on CNBC's Kudlow Report

July 26, 2012


Hensarling: “Bless his heart, I just…think the president is clueless on what it takes to go out and create a job”

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) appeared yesterday evening on CNBC’s Kudlow Report to discuss the president and Senate Democrats’ plans to raise taxes on small business job creators.

Hensarling on the Democrat tax hike:

“The chance of that bill passing is somewhere between zero and a negative real number. House Republicans are going to stop the tax hikes.”

“When we have an economy that's basically at stall speed – the weakest, most tepid recovery in the post-war era – why you would want to raise taxes on anybody is beyond me. … This not only doesn't help, it hurts. According to Ernst & Young, we’re looking at 710,000 jobs are going to be lost by the president’s tax increase plan. It’s going to impact almost a million small businesses. Why you would want to try to precipitate a double-dip recession is beyond me. … It’s borderline economic insanity at this point in our nation's economy.

“It doesn't even solve the debt problem. It's all about the politics of diversion, division, and envy. That's what this is about.”

Hensarling on Obama’s politics of diversion, division and envy:

“Bless his heart, I just … think the president is clueless on what it takes to go out and create a job. When he looks at … millions of entrepreneurs and small businesspeople and essentially points his finger at them and says, ‘You did not build this’ – I mean, not only did the president not build it, he's trying to tear it down through taxation.”

“In the history of mankind there has never been a society that taxed its way into prosperity. But here is a president presiding over the worst economy since the Great Depression. He has to try to change the subject. That's diversion. Then he wants to divide Americans. And then frankly, it’s … class warfare – envy. But you know what? Fairness is not to be found in taxing some people more; it's about subsidizing them less. And the president still rejects fundamental reform of the tax code.”

Hensarling on Washington’s spending problem:

“If you give this extra revenue to Washington, they’re going to waste it. Unless you put spending discipline in place first, it’s pointless and all it will do is harm economic growth.”


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