Hensarling Responds to President's "Unhinged Attack" on House GOP Budget

April 3, 2012

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s address before the American Society of Newspaper Editors attacking the House Republican “Path to Prosperity” budget. 

“President Obama’s unhinged attack on our budget amounts to an act of desperation and does nothing to hide the fact that his policies and his vision have failed the American people. If fear-mongering and straw men arguments could erase our record deficits, the president would be hailed as a hero. Instead, as we confront the worst debt crisis in our nation’s history, President Obama has failed to rise to the occasion and remains utterly AWOL – absent without leadership. 

“For the second year in a row, House Republicans passed a budget that takes our nation off the disastrous Obama trajectory toward bankruptcy and onto a path to solvency and prosperity. Our budget saves and strengthens Medicare and stops new taxes from shattering our sluggish recovery. Our budget makes the tough and necessary decisions the president has failed to make in order to end the era of historic job-killing debt and deficits that his policies have caused. 

“If the president truly believes our budget is ‘radical,’ then he should take a second look at what he proposed. Unlike our plan, the president’s budget adds $11 trillion to our national debt on top of the $5 trillion he’s already imposed on us. It doubles down on our unsustainable spending trajectory while raising taxes on hardworking families and job creators. It completely ignores our real debt-drivers and leaves Medicare to die in bankruptcy. It’s no wonder that not even a single House Democrat could bring his or her self to vote for it. 

“At this time of crisis for our national future, House Republicans have demonstrated courage and responsibility where the president and his party have failed to show either. The American people know that partisan attacks are no substitute for a serious solution to our spending-driven debt crisis, and the president’s speech today did nothing to change that.”


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