Republican Leadership Press Conference

September 21, 2011

Republican Leadership Press Conference

September 21, 2011


 Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA)

Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)

Conference Vice Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)

Congressman John Sullivan (R-OK)             

Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) 

Chairman Hensarling:

“Good morning, everybody. America continues to face an unemployment crisis and a debt crisis—the two are clearly interrelated. Republicans believe strongly that an extra $1.5 trillion of tax increases on America’s job creators is going to do nothing to help the unemployment crisis, and do little if anything to address the debt crisis. 

“Anytime we talk to small business people in our district, they tell us about their fear of the debt, they tell us about their fear of higher taxes, but they also tell us about the huge regulatory burden upon their businesses.  There are many regulations that we need. There are regulations that do good for us and the American people. But what they are fundamentally missing is the impact on American jobs so that members of Congress can decide whether the benefits from the regulation are actually worth the cost in jobs. 

“So as jobs bills passed by the House continue to stack up like cordwood in the Democratic-controlled United States Senate, the House again this week will take up another jobs bill, the TRAIN Act, to ensure that the Environmental Protection Agency will start to consider the cost on jobs in our America in our society as they place further regulatory burdens on our small businesses.”


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