Hensarling Statement on 10th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks

September 11, 2011

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement in recognition of the tenth anniversary of the al Qaeda terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. 

“Ten years after the deadliest attack on our soil in American history, the world can still look upon a proud and resilient nation as we bow our heads and lower our flags to honor the victims of that grave September morning. The words ‘Never Forget’ still hold true for all Americans as the wounds of that day are still felt and lost loved ones are still deeply missed. 

“Americans will forever recall the stunning heroism of our fellow citizens who responded to the chaos in New York and at the Pentagon with the courage that defines us as a people. After all, it was on that day that the war against terrorism was begun in the sky above Pennsylvania by a brave patriot and his fellow passengers who chose to fight back. Their fearless charge will never be forgotten. 

“On the morning of 9/11, history came knocking and a new generation of patriots answered the call that previous generations had answered before them. These warriors would go on to showcase the very best of our nation as they liberated two countries from despotism and brought countless terrorists to final justice. As the killing of Osama bin Laden reminded the world, those who threaten our people and our way of life will never succeed and will ultimately share the same fate. 

“The world has changed in many ways over this hard decade, but the fundamental purpose of the United States in the world has not. Just as we led the fight for liberty against tyranny on so many fronts throughout the 20th century, we must stay committed to winning the global struggle for freedom over Islamist terror in this new century. As our enemies adapt, evolve, and persevere, so too must we. The price of liberty—and security—remains eternal vigilance. 

“On this solemn anniversary, I join the American people in prayer and in paying special tribute to those who have given their lives since 9/11 in defense of our homeland and our cherished freedom. Their sacrifices continue to inspire a grateful nation every day as we continue the fight for a safer and freer world for our children and grandchildren. In this long war, I have no doubt America will be victorious.”


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