Hensarling Statement on GOP Plan for America's Job Creators

May 26, 2011

Hensarling: “It is about empowerment, it is about confidence—this will create jobs, this is the Republican solution

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today on the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.

“This morning we had a confirmation that the economy grew at a tepid 1.8% in the last quarter. This confirms yet again that the Obama recovery is the weakest we’ve had in the post-war era. The Obama recovery continues to fail and the American people continue to suffer. 

“In the 5th Congressional District of Texas that I am proud to represent, there are so many of my constituents who have friends, family members, and neighbors who remain unemployed and do not have the ‘hope’ the president promised. All the president and congressional Democrats have delivered is a stimulus plan that cost the American people $1.2 trillion and helped destroy or forestall a million private sector jobs. That’s not exactly a bargain the American people wanted. 

“The president and congressional Democrats still have not realized that they cannot spend, tax, borrow, and bail out their way into economic prosperity. House Republicans know that you can grow your way into economic prosperity and you can grow your way into jobs. That’s why we’re presenting the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators. 

“Every week we have brought measures to the House floor to deal with one of the greatest impediments we have to job creation today and that is the uncertainty provided by this Administration and by the previous Democratic-controlled Congress—whether it be the perpetual bail out of Wall Street, ObamaCare, or bureaucrats gone wild. House Republicans know that it is time to balance the regulatory burden against the unemployment burden. It is time to ensure that our tax code is competitive with our competitors. It is time that our job creators quit paying almost $4 a gallon for their gasoline. 

“It is about empowerment, it is about confidence—this will create jobs, this is the Republican solution and I am proud to be part of our House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.”


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