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U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy | Representing 4th District of South Carolina


Press Releases

Rep. Gowdy Releases Statement On President's State of the Union
January 25, 2012

Rep. Gowdy Releases Statement On President's State of the Union

Today, Representative Trey Gowdy (SC-04) released the following statement in response to last night’s State of the Union Address by President Obama.
“Regrettably the President took what was supposed to be a "State of the Union" and turned it into a state of his re-election bid.  It is disappointing to see someone willing to divide this country solely for the sake of his political fortunes.  This is the 3rd State of the Union address the President has given and there is still no plan to save social security, no plan to make sure Medicare is reformed and saved, no plan to pay down the debt and no plan to balance the budget.” 
“The real height of duplicity was the President's call for "all of the above" with respect to energy all the while killing the Keystone Pipeline which would have created jobs, created energy independence, and enhance our national security.” 
“Leaders lead and they unite us by reminding us America combines the promise of individual liberty with the shared duty of personal responsibility.  The goal should be equal opportunity for success for all Americans.  Pitting one group of Americans against another may be good politics, but it is dangerous leadership.” 
This was the second State of the Union attended by Rep. Gowdy.  His guest for the State of the Union was Curry Sherard, a 7th grader from Spartanburg Day School.
