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ICYMI: Jack discusses gun control on MSNBC's The Ed Show
Posted by Press Staff on December 19, 2012
In case you missed it, Jack appeared on MSNBC's The Ed Show last night to talk about gun control:

Jack believes we must look at all the factors that lead to this heinous crime before jumping to legislation that would do little to prevent such a crime.
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • 12/23/12 08/31/10 False
    lawton smith from lake park ga. commented on 12/23/2012
    discourage the media, from mentioning the name, or posting any pictures of these murderers, thereby relegating them to anonymity, instead of making them famous, and giving them the misguided sense of glory they seek. i think this would deprive future mass killers of an incentive, to upstage the lunatics, that commited these crimes in the past.
  • 12/23/12 08/31/10 False
    lawton smith from lake park ga. commented on 12/23/2012
    discourage the media, from mentioning the name, or posting any pictures of these murderers, thereby relegating them to anonymity, instead of making them famous, and giving them the misguided sense of glory they seek. i think this would deprive future mass killers of an incentive, to upstage the lunatics, that commited these crimes in the past.
  • 12/24/12 08/31/10 False
    Fredrick Howell from Brunswick commented on 12/24/2012
    Violent Crimes did not go down during the so called Assault weapons ban nor did they go up after it sunseted. An abundance of laws were broken that day in New Town, CT. Laws do not stop evil people from doing evil things. Just like making more laws that punish law abiding citizens for the actions of a few will not stop the next henious crime. We have the God given right to self defense and the right to protect ourselfs from a tyranical Government, under the 2nd Admendment. It is the individual that makes an assault weapon not the tool. My hammer or axe would be an assault weapon if I were to attack someone with it. People buy and want weapons that will give them a greater chance of sucessfully defending themselves and their families. Stand up for our right of self defense. Thank-you
  • 12/30/12 08/31/10 False
    James from Savannah commented on 12/30/2012
    Handled the questions well, however when will Republicans lean you can't go on a show with someone like Ed S. he is truely not interested in your position, he just wants to see if you will make comments he can use against you later. Ed S. is a hack and you shouldn't ever give him a platform.
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