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ICYMI: Jack discusses fiscal cliff package on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports
January 2, 2013  - In case you missed it, Jack also appeared on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports to discuss his opposition to the fiscal cliff package and why we need more action on spending reduction. More

ICYMI: Jack talks fiscal cliff on CNBC Power Lunch
January 2, 2013  - In case you missed it, Jack appeared today on CNBC's Power Lunch to talk about the fiscal cliff alongside Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Jack opposed the legislation because it did not address much-needed spending cuts. More

January 2, 2013  - Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) issued the following statement after voting against a legislative package intended to avert the fiscal cliff: “Our ultimate goal in the process was to address tax rates and reduce the deficit. The package we voted on only addressed the tax issue not the deficit reduc... More

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