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Rep. Paulsen Votes to Repeal Job-Crushing 1099 Reporting Requirements

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 17, 2011

Rep. Paulsen Votes to Repeal Job-Crushing 1099 Reporting Requirements
Bill Would Boost Small Businesses Hit Hard By New Health Care Law

Washington, DC – Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03) released the following statement today after the House Ways and Means Committee unanimously passed H.R. 4, the Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act. This bill would repeal the new 1099 reporting requirements in the new health care law. Rep. Paulsen is a co-sponsor of this legislation, which will now head to the House floor for a vote.

“The new health care law unfairly targets small businesses, the growth engine of our economy, when they can least afford it,” said Rep. Paulsen. “I’ve heard from business leaders across Minnesota that these burdensome provisions and new reporting requirements force them to divert precious resources from job creation to the processing of additional paperwork.  I’m hopeful that our effort to repeal the new 1099 reporting requirements, and the mountain of paperwork that comes with them, will have bipartisan support.”

Paulsen, a champion of small business and advocate of free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation currently serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, and is co-chair of the Congressional Korea-U.S. Free Trade Working Group and co-chair of the House Medical Technology Caucus.

For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress, please visit
