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Paulsen: Tax Code Needs to Be Simpler, Fairer, and More Competitive for All Americans



Paulsen: Tax Code Needs to Be Simpler, Fairer, and More Competitive for All Americans


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Washington, D.C. Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03), Acting Chairman of the Ways and Means Human Resources Committee, delivered the following remarks on the house floor in support of H.R. 6169, the Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act, to boost economic growth and job creation by providing an outline for a fairer, simpler, and more competitive tax code which lowers rates and closes special-interest loopholes. The legislation passed the House 232-189.


“M. Speaker – That little word “tax” that we’ve been talking about today is really, in reality, 3.8 million words that make up the entire U.S. tax code.


And over the past 10 years alone, Congress has found itself to make over 4,428 changes to the tax code, averaging about one change each and every single day.


It’s time, Mr. Speaker, that we find consensus and provide a simpler, fairer, and more competitive tax code for everyone.


Over the past two years, the Ways and Means Committee has held over 20 hearings, laying the groundwork for comprehensive tax reform. We’ve had meetings jointly with the Senate as well. This legislation that we will vote on today now gives us a path forward that will allow small businesses and all American families the opportunity to have a simpler, fairer, more competitive tax code – not one that actually picks only winners and losers. 


We need to close loopholes, we need to eliminate and reduce the number of expenditures and deductions and exemptions that bestow preferential treatment for varying interest groups and primarily only benefit a few. 


Business leaders and economists across the country agree that in order to create more jobs, we’ve got to make sure that America stays globally competitive.


But the complexity of the tax code has put America at a disadvantage.


Back in 1960, 85 percent of all the top 20 world firms were in the United States; by 1985, there were only 13; and, by the year 2010, this number was cut in half again to a meager six.


Putting it simply, Mr. Speaker, the tax code’s antiquated features have diminished the attractiveness for the United States to become the premiere country which to locate, found, and start a business. This means fewer small businesses, it means less manufacturing, and it means fewer jobs.


Today’s votes show that we are serious about moving forward on tax reform to help get our economy back on track. Let’s make the United States the number one destination for entrepreneurs, for innovators, and for job creators. Let’s put this motion in place to pass this measure.”


For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress visit
