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WASHINGTON – Congressman Erik Paulsen released the following statement today following a vote on the Fiscal Year 2010 budget resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives.     
“The budget passed today by the Democrat Majority spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much.  Rather than confronting the many challenges we face, this budget mortgages the future of our children and grandchildren. 
We’ve got to get our economy moving, but this budget is a job killer. American families are struggling to make ends meet, yet this budget will increase spending by nine percent in the next year alone.  I don’t know of many people who are seeing a nine percent increase in their paycheck. 
This budget creates an explosion in the national debt, which will double in five years to $11.8 trillion and triple in ten years to $17.3 trillion.  My four daughters currently owe $35,000 each as their share of the national debt, which will double to $70,000 under this budget. By 2012, the United States will be paying $1 billion a day in interest alone just to finance our debt.
It also raises taxes by $1.5 trillion dollars – largely on the backs small businesses.  At a time when we are in desperate need of job growth, raising taxes on our jobs creators is the absolute wrong approach. 
American families are tightening their belts and making tough choices to meet the challenges we face. Congress should do the same by getting our fiscal house in order.  We need to curb excessive spending, grow jobs and get our debt under control.  The alternative budget plan I supported did exactly that, while addressing other key priorities like veteran’s funding, defense and protecting our commitments to seniors and the next generation. 