As Americans, we have several reasons for which to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day, including the many freedoms we enjoy as a nation. Personally, I’m also grateful for the blessings of a wonderful family, great friends, and the opportunity to represent you in the United States Senate. As we prepare to sit down with our families this Thursday and pay tribute to our own blessings, let us be sure to say a special prayer for those men and women serving overseas in our military who will not have the opportunity to spend the holiday with their families. Last year, I had the privilege of spending Thanksgiving with our men and women in uniform serving in Afghanistan. I’m always humbled and honored to have the opportunity to meet with them and offer my gratitude for their selfless service and sacrifice. Julianne and I wish our service members and their families, as well as all Georgians, a safe and happy Thanksgiving. God bless you.