I'm honored to serve as the vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. As we move forward, one of my top priorities will be to provide significant oversight of the intelligence community, ensuring that it has the necessary tools to carry out its responsibilities.
A Safer and More Secure America Since Sept. 11, 2001, our local, state and federal law enforcement officials have taken great strides to make communities, national landmarks, cities, and air and water ports safer and more secure. 
Information-Sharing Improvements ... We have improved our information-sharing capabilities between federal and local first responders and law enforcement officials. Within our intelligence community – the CIA, FBI and NSA – we have increased these capabilities, both vertically within each agency and horizontally with one another.
Winning the War on Terrorism Since Sept. 11, 2001, and the advent of our war against terrorism, we’ve made more arrests, dismantled al-Qaeda training camps, disrupted the group's communication and planning capabilities, prevented and foiled potential terror attacks, broken up sleeper cells and captured members of al-Qaeda’s top leadership. While much more needs to be done, there is no doubt that we are winning the war on terrorism.

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