Dingell on Passage of Bipartisan Tax Agreement

Jan 1, 2013 Issues: Budget and Taxes

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman John D. Dingell (D-MI15) issued the following statement about House passage of the Senate bill to avoid the fiscal cliff.  Congressman Dingell supported the bill, which passed by a vote of  257-167:

"I commend the House of Representatives today for acting in the best interests of this country's middle class," said Dingell.  "The bill we have passed will prevent tax hikes for the vast majority of Americans and 97 percent of small businesses, extend unemployment insurance for those who need it, and prevent payment cuts to Medicare physicians.  I am proud of the House members who put aside ideological differences to help hard-working American families in their moment of need and hope this bipartisan cooperation will continue as Congress moves to consider the other pressing matters before it."

