Jeff Duncan

South Carolina's 3rd District

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  • @adambruyere thanks Adam!
  • @codysargent thanks Cody! God bless!
  • I'm honored and humbled to have this responsibility. In all that I do, I seek to honor Him, uphold the Constitution, and to make you proud.
  • Thank you for allowing me to serve!
  • Today I'll retake the oath of office and be sworn in as the Representative from the Third Congressional District of South Carolina.
  • Calling into WAIM right now 1230AM & calling into Tony Beam 660AM around 8:30 about fiscal cliff
  • RT @ImSchultz: Proud of the fiscally responsible auctioneers @auctnr1 & @RepJeffDuncan in Congress for their no votes tonight.
  • RT @Sam205: @RepJeffDuncan Jeff in this meeting coming up, Amend the Bill and send it back Point out the Aug Bill, Get on Top of the PR ...
  • I bet President Obama isn't watching the bowl...
  • .@DickersonHouse Absolutely I do. Which is why I voted to extend all the tax cuts months ago. The bill is sitting in the Senate.
  • With President Obama’s decision to give Congress a pay raise, every American should question his judgment in managing our nation’s finances.
  • This EO highlights the President’s serious lack of judgment when it comes to spending money.
  • The timing of @BarackObama's EO 2 raise salaries for Congress & the VP shows how out of touch he is when it comes to spending.
  • Congress doesn’t need a pay raise, and if given a raise I will return it.
  • Last night, Pres. Obama signed my bill, the "Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act" into law!!
  • .@Bakari_Sellers thx for your prayers and ur service. I know we both care deeply about state and nation. God bless
  • @adambruyere thanks Adam!
  • .@Bakari_Sellers I respect ur opinion, but contend that the delegation's fighting to solve the debt crisis. solve, not stall or delay
  • @dottiecamak thx for watching!
  • @futurePOTUS_32 thanks man!
  • .@Bakari_Sellers u forget that the plan u reference hurting sc military bases was opposed by the delegation, but supported by @barackobama
  • Look for me on Fox and Friends around 7:30!
  • Don't be deceived, Democrats aren't interested in cutting taxes for ANYONE.
  • They're interested in dividing Americans to build support for RAISING taxes on small businesses and job creators.
  • Back then, the majority of Democrats in both the House & the Senate voted AGAINST cutting taxes for Americans.
  • In 01, the Bush tax cuts (that are set to expire unless Senate Democrats pass the House's bill to extend them) were signed into law.
  • Those whose name is on the list as having a firearm or those whose name isn't in the list, thus telling the crooks who might be defenseless?
  • So a New York newspaper listed the name and address of every registered gun owner. Who do you suspect will be the victims of crime?
  • From my family to yours, I hope everyone has a blessed and Merry Christmas. #Psalm33:12
  • .@yankeefrank23 by those numbers, I see that 90% of the problem is spending. Why isn't the proposed solution at least 90% spending cuts?
  • .@yankeefrank23 we have a $1 trillion annual deficit. POTUS's tax plan raises $80 billion in new revenue & hurts small biz in the process.
  • .@DickersonHouse I ask because we're facing a spending problem, and the President's position on raising taxes does nothing to solve that.
  • .@DickersonHouse thanks for the tweet. Do you want us to compromise for the sake of compromise, or to compromise towards a solution?
  • Went on Fox yesterday to talk about the Benghazi report. I'm going to continue asking questions & demanding answers
  • Great news: Jon Hammar will be released from the Mexican prison today!
  • My bill to combat Iranian terrorism passed the House by a vote of 386-6 and now heads to @barackobama's desk for his signature!
  • RT @RosLehtinen: Proud 2 strongly support @RepJeffDuncan bill 2 counter the growing Iranian threat in Latin America ...
  • I’m proud of my friend Tim Scott for being appointed to represent South Carolina in the United States Senate!
  • @adambruyere thanks man! Merry Christmas!
  • I am really struggling with how anyone could kill children. The world seems like it has been turned upside down.
  • My prayers go out to all of the families impacted by this senseless, deranged, and cowardly act of violence. #PrayForNewtown
  • Today is a stark reminder that there is evil in this world, and that we must cherish every moment we have with our families.
  • As a parent, it sickens me that there are people in this world who would even consider hurting a child. #PrayForNewtown
  • Praying
  • I'm committed to honoring the lives of those who died in the Benghazi attacks by uncovering the truth of what took place on 9/11/12
  • Ambassador Rice was wise to remove her name from consideration to be the next Secretary of State
  • Amazing read explaining why you can't trade new taxes for spending cuts #tcot
  • Export-Import Bank is loaning $105M to Brazil to build an aquarium. This is not the role of the Federal Government.
  • 2 Dem US Senators say an ObamaCare Tax (that they voted for) will cost American jobs. Seek repeal...
  • .@BarackObama doesn't see seriousness of the debt crisis #my2k #fiscalcliff #tcot
  • @gdthomp01 thanks man!
  • As we remember the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, we're reminded of all who died in defense of freedom
  • Dems deliberately dragging their feet on fiscal cliff negotiations: “We don’t necessarily have to do anything.”
  • We're really going to miss @JimDeMint in the Senate.
  • My latest Washington Update on the #fiscalcliff & #Benghazi
  • Hopeful news that justice will be served on Pres. Obama's unconstitutional recess appointments.
  • @DocHastings announced 113th Congress assignments for @NatResources. I am honored to be a mem & look fwd to moving us to energy independence
  • .@ProgressiveSuz That doesn't answer my question of when "@BarackObama has paid down debt."
  • When? RT @ProgressiveSuz Not true Rep. Duncan. @BarackObama has paid down debt!
  • .@badcox00 I stand w the middle class & respect them by offering solutions that will actually solve the debt crisis and protect our economy
  • Happy 110th Birthday to Sen. Strom Thurmond. There will never be another one like him. #sctweets
  • 48th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
  • If everyone wants Clinton era tax rates, we should have Clinton era spending too
  • This about sums it up, Mr. President...
  • Pres. @BarackObama doesn't want to raise taxes to pay down the debt. He wants higher taxes so he can spend more money. It's that simple!
  • Happy Anniversary to my beautiful bride of 24 years! I love you, Melody Duncan!
  • Receiving tweets saying we need to tax the rich to fund more gov programs. I thought new revenue was supposed to go towards debt? Hmm
  • @ReaganCKelley Thanks!!
  • Pres. @BarackObama offered no real spending cuts, no balanced approach, no real solutions to our debt crisis. Just more games.
  • The President offered $1.6 trillion in new taxes, $50 billion in another government stimulus, and an infinite increase in the debt ceiling.
  • According to the Washington Post, Sec. Geithner delivered President Obama's offer to Congress on the fiscal cliff yesterday.
  • RT @bensilverstein: .@RepJeffDuncan just called Hamas rockets 'an existential threat to Israel.' #HFAC
  • @GuessWho002 I'm not from Charleston. I graduated from Ware Shoals High School.
  • @ken_roper actually Ken. I've already voted to extend all tax cuts. I'm just referring to your plan of just voting for one section of them.
  • .@happygolfer843 Congress (including myself) will go under ObamaCare in 2014. But the White House employees will not. Interesting huh?
  • .@ken_roper or our $16.3 trillion debt, or $86 trillion in future liabilities from medicare, ObamaCare, and Social Security?
  • .@ken_roper the Obama tax increases will raise around $83 billion in new revenue. How does that solve our $1 trillion annual deficit?
  • .@ken_roper because raising taxes on small businesses will hurt job creation, and raising taxes won't solve our debt crisis.
  • .@KerryLadka that's exactly what I said I won't do. To repeat, we need to make changes to medicare and SS for FUTURE generations.
  • RT "@AGAlanWilson: Today's ruling by the three judge panel is a major victory for South Carolina and its election process." #VoterID
  • Obama's been talking about BigBird. But shouldnt he be talking about jobs & the economy? Is BigBird out of work? Was the nest foreclosed on?
  • Tune in this Thursday at 7:00PM to #GBTV #TheBlaze I will be on with @WilkowMajority to discuss the President's failed policies
  • The federal govt added over $1 trillion to our debt in FY12…We're now over $16 trillion in debt with no end to the spending in sight!
  • The two Georgia schools are going down today! #gamecocks #clemson
  • RT @Dpcolby: @RepJeffDuncan speaking about the national debt and deficit. #tcot #tlot
  • Thanks. Enjoyed it! RT @SteveBruss: @RepJeffDuncan Thanks for participating in our online debate discussion last night. Appreciated it.
  • Enjoyed it everyone! #debate #gvlreacts
  • The definition of insanity is re-electing @BarackObama and expecting different results #debate #gvlreacts
  • RT @libertydocKaren: "@RepJeffDuncan: Education is on what page of the US Constitution? #debate #gvlreacts" Touche! Thank you for saying ...
  • @javaonline defense shouldn't be completely immune. There's waste there too. But it is a proper role of gov't, unlike a lot of our spending.
  • Top down isn't working in #education! The proof is in the pudding! #debate #gvlreacts
  • Ryan's budget actually received support in Congress from both parties. Obama's budget got none #debate #gvlreacts
  • Business creates jobs for America's graduates, not the government #debate #gvlreacts
  • State budgets are hurting due to federal education mandates #debate #gvlreacts
  • Education is on what page of the US Constitution? #debate #gvlreacts
  • #IPAP is awful. Puts unelected bureaucrats between you and your doctor. #debate #gvlreacts
  • RT @Heritage: CHART: How #Obamacare is costing too much $$. #Debate2012
  • The CBO continues to raise the cost of ObamaCare for the American taxpayer #debate #gvlreacts
  • Is ObamaCare a tax or a penalty? I would like to hear that explained by @BarackObama #debate #gvlreacts
  • Mortgages went to a lot of unqualified borrows due to CRA #debate #gvlreacts