
Rep. Pete King Upset With Decision Not to Put Sandy Aid on House Floor

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Published on Jan 2, 2013

Rep. Pete King Upset With Decision Not to Put Sandy Aid on House Floor.

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  • ivlfounder

    Even the fox host felt obligated to agree that the house republicans have lost their mind.


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  • mel5932

    if this is sarcasm, then it's witty and funny. If this is a reflection of the real you as a republican, you have solidified my perception of how republicans act and think.


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    in reply to Lander11112222 (Show the comment)
  • mel5932

    hurray for Mr. King for finally waking up and seeing the true colors of his party!!


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  • caliclips

    Thank Mr. King for standing up and holding your party responsible their foolishness.


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  • Erick Rhodes

    How can a group of people dedicate themselves to hurting as many people as possible? 9 weeks after Sandy and they can't release the funds for relief? Mr. Speaker are you serious?


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  • Ozdachs

    Maybe it's time for sensible, Moderate Republicans (especially those in the Northeast and Northwest) to act forcefully. How about voting for Pelosi for Speaker with the trade-off of a vote on Sandy relief this weekend?


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  • thanggnguyen

    Apparently, Repubitards(mentally retarded and incest infested Republicans) got a taste of their own medicine. They want small government and less taxes, but when they are in need they want FOOD STAMPS just like everybody else.

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  • samk2785

    Peter King should pull himself up with bootstraps & stop asking of handouts. You hate government until you need the handout....hypocrites.

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  • Lander11112222

    Fox news should not have had him on the air. Do they think they are Democrats? What were they thinking! Very, very un-partisan of them. They have to balance this RINO with real republicans! They should devote the entire next 24 hours to coverage of real GOP people, and get away from this soft pro-Democrat coverage. Fox should get rid of Sandy coverage entirely, and stick to coverage that will help republicans win elections. They should get their viewers to forget Sandy entirely. Go GOP!


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