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Congressman Mo Brooks

Congressman Mo Brooks
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  1. Earlier today I joined with Jim Nussle, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget, on CNBC's Closing Bell to discuss the fiscal cliff and upcoming debt ceiling debates. Click the link below to watch the interview.
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  3. This afternoon, I was sworn in to my second term in office, as a Member of the 113th Congress. I am deeply honored to have been re-elected by the people of North Alabama, and I look forward to serving you during the next two years. Click the image below to see the new Fifth Congressional District lines, or, to check by address visit
    Photo: This afternoon, I was sworn in to my second term in office, as a Member of the 113th Congress. I am deeply honored to have been re-elected by the people of North Alabama, and I look forward to serving you during the next two years. Click the image below to see the new Fifth Congressional District lines, or, to check by address visit
  4. Just finished a discussion on the fiscal cliff with WHNT News 19. I hope you will tune in tonight at 5 CST to hear my remarks!
    Photo: Just finished a discussion on the fiscal cliff with WHNT News 19. I hope you will tune in tonight at 5 CST to hear my remarks!
  5. Coming up at 12:30 CST, I'll be live on the Lee Davis Show. Please listen in at the link below.
  6. I'll be on the Matt Murphy Show tomorrow morning at 7 AM CST to discuss my vote on the fiscal cliff. You can tune in on 100 WAPI or online by clicking the link below.
  7. I will vote no on the Senate's Fiscal Cliff Bill. The bill increases America’s deficit by $330 billion in what’s left of Fiscal Year 2012-13, and by $353 billion in FY 2013-14. I also cannot, in good conscience, condone with my vote a flawed process that denies the American people an opportunity to participate in their Republic on issues of this magnitude. Click below to read the reasons for my decision in more detail.
  8. This morning, the Senate hastily passed a 50+ page fiscal cliff bill with hundreds of billions in spending that could have enormous consequences for our country. I am calling on the House to postpone a vote on this bill until it can be fully evaluated. Most importantly, there needs to be time for the American people to understand it and share their insight with Congress.
  9. This morning, I addressed the U.S. House on the fiscal cliff. In two separate votes in February '09 and December '10, Democrats could have increased taxes on the ‘wealthy,’ if they really believed higher taxes would fix the debt. Republicans will fight today, and Republicans will fight tomorrow, to protect American families from Democrat tax increases and address the real cause of our debt: massive over-spending.
  10. I'm going on the Dan Morris Show right now to talk about the fiscal cliff and the latest developments in D.C. You can listen along via the website:
  11. I’ll be on the Matt Murphy Show tomorrow at 7 AM - you can listen in here: Afterward, tune in to the Dale Jackson Show at 7:35 AM on 92.5 FM/770 AM, for a roundup of news from DC.
  12. Today marks the 109th Anniversary of the Wright Brothers' first flight, one of the most significant achievements in human history. The Wright Brothers also helped start Army Aviation, selling the U.S. Army its first plane in 1909.
  13. Happy Birthday Alabama! On December 14, 1819, Alabama became the 22nd state. Huntsville played a big part in our statehood, hosting the Alabama Constitutional Convention in July of 1819. Click below to learn more facts about Alabama's birthday, or, if you're in the Madison County area, visit historic Constitution Village:
  14. Tomorrow morning I'll be on the Matt Murphy Show at 7:00 to discuss the fiscal cliff. You can listen in on 100 WAPI or online by clicking the link below.
  15. Appreciate the opportunity to address the Army Aviation Association of America's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Forum for the second year. We talked about sequestration, the fiscal cliff, and the Army Aviation Caucus. Thanks so much to our aviators and aviation support teams for all you do for our country.
    Photo: Appreciate the opportunity to address the Army Aviation Association of America's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Forum for the second year. We talked about sequestration, the fiscal cliff, and the Army Aviation Caucus. Thanks so much to our aviators and aviation support teams for all you do for our country.
  16. 71 years ago, our nation experienced a "date which will live in infamy" as Pearl Harbor was attacked and 2,400 American lives lost. Today we remember our service members who paid the ultimate price for freedom, and are reminded of the need to stay vigilant to provide the resources and funding our forces need.
  17. Tomorrow, I'll be on the Matt Murphy Show at 7:30 AM. I hope you will listen in to our discussion on the 'Fiscal Cliff'.

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