
Congressman Schock Reacts to President Obama's Budget Blueprint

repaaronschockrepaaronschock·145 videos
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Uploaded on Feb 17, 2012

This week, President Obama introduced his budget blueprint for the next 10 years. As the documents were released and the hearings began in the House and Senate one theme stood out - the President has introduced an unserious budget that carries with it serious consequences.

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  • chad00023

    aaron this is a good speech. you read the teleprompter just like barry. if you had more bass in youre voice this would be more convincing. sure you spoke some known knowns but its because you never mentioned stopping the wars that this whole speech was toilet fodder. get serious and help our whole country by stopping our kids being sent to fight and die in wars of aggression by the corperate machine. let them fight their own wars. so in short everything youve said here is pooh.


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  • tmvga

    This is the great challenge our this generation. Europe is showing us our future, and it is a very scary sight. Greece is crashing. Italy, Spain, England and France are going over the cliff, and we have our feet hard on the accelerator. thank you Rep. Aaron for speaking the truth... for a change.


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  • ThePoliticalGurus

    How can you argue with figures that both the CBO and GAO offer? Not to mention the other numerous institutions and financial experts? Have we seen anything beneficial come from this administration and its' policies? No.


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    in reply to mikebee02 (Show the comment)
  • techmsgt3855

    Our country is doomed; no one on either side of the aisle will do any serious budget cutting because they think they will not get reelected. We will become like Greece within a decade if there is no change!


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  • mikebee02

    "Disingenuous at best." Pretty much sums up this clip. Heavy on rhetoric and spin, light on honesty and solutions.


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