U.S. Representative Ed Royce | In The News
District Update | June 25, 2012
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U.S. Representative Ed Royce

Dear Friends, 

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently released its latest long-term budget outlook.  According to the CBO, by the end of this year the U.S. publicly held debt will reach nearly 70 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), which is nearly double from 2008 when U.S. debt reached 40 percent of GDP.    

The CBO director wrote, “The explosive path of federal debt…underscores the need for large and timely policy changes to put the federal government on a sustainable fiscal course.”  I am fighting to reverse the years of trillion dollar deficits - the solution isn’t more spending and more borrowing.

House Leadership outlined the legislative calendar for this summer – the focus continues to be on job creation, the economy, and reducing spending.  My colleagues and I are committed to putting Americans back to work and providing our nation’s job creators with the opportunity to grow and succeed. 


Representative Ed Royce

Top District Issues

Spending Cut Scorecard Rates Royce 100%

The Club for Growth recently released a new spending cut scorecard.  This scorecard tracks amendments to appropriations bills that seek to reduce spending.  Rep. Royce was one of only 20 members to receive 100 percent for his efforts to cut spending.  See the full scorecard here or learn more about the new spending cut scorecard here.  

Royce Announces 2012 U.S. Service Academy Appointments 

Each year Rep. Royce has the privilege of nominating young men and women of high potential to our nation's military service academies.  During a reception to celebrate the 2012 U.S. service academy appointments for their outstanding achievement, Royce said, "The appointment process is highly selective, these young men and women should be extremely proud of their accomplishment.  I have full confidence that these exceptional students will represent our community well."  To view a full list of the students and their appointments, please click here.


Any day the U.S. Supreme Court will issue a ruling on the President’s health care law.  What would you like to see the Supreme Court do?  
Vote Now!

July 31: The deadline for Fall internship applicants in Rep. Royce's Washington, D.C. office is Tuesday, July 31.      
Click here for more details.
In Case You Missed It

In a recent Foreign Intrigue blog post, Rep. Royce writes, "Last week, a former Special Court for Sierra Leone official presented me a token of appreciation for work I did to get former Liberian president Charles Taylor before that court. It's a tranquil scene painted by a rehabilitated child soldier, representing his hope for continued peace, which is a lot easier if dictators, warlords and other despicables are held accountable.”  Read this blog post in its entirety here

foreign intrigue
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