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Forbes Makes Statement Against the Fiscal Cliff Deal
January 2, 2013  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) released the following statement after voting against the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. "The reality of this bill is that we do nothing substantial to stop the dismantling of our military and we further feed the insatiable appetite of massive government s...More

Forbes Announces Key Outcomes to National Defense From Final Conference Report for FY 2013 Defense Policy Bill
December 18, 2012  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04), Chairman of the House Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee and conferee for the National Defense Authoirzation Act for Fiscal Year 2013, announced the following key outcomes effecting national defense included in the conference report...More

A personal reflection on Sandy Hook
December 15, 2012  - There are times that news shocks us. And, then, there are times that news sends adrenaline snapping in our veins and bile churning in our gut. News that makes thoughts charge at our own brain and our hearts stiffen against the walls of our chest. Saturday’s winter sun rose over an elementary school ...More

Forbes to Attend Dominion Boulevard Groundbreaking on Monday
December 14, 2012  - Washington, D.C. – Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) will appear Monday morning at the Dominion Boulevard improvement project groundbreaking at 400 Dominion Boulevard in Chesapeake on Monday, December 17 at 10:30am. Roughly 33,000 vehicles travel Dominion Blvd. each day, making it one of the most...More

Statement from Congressman J. Randy Forbes on Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
December 14, 2012  - I am saddened by today's horrific shooting in Connecticut. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families affected by this senseless tragedy.More

Forbes Named Chairman of Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee
December 13, 2012  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) has been appointed Chairman of the House Armed Services Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee for the 113th Congress by full Committee Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon. The jurisdiction of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee currently includes N...More

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