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Labrador Votes on Amendments to Defense Reauthorization Bill


Offered By Party Summary Congressman Labrador's Vote
Woolsey (CA) D Would eliminate the availability of funds for procurement of the Navy and Air Force V-22 Osprey aircraft.              NO
Hunter (CA)  R


Would create a five-year pilot program to provide opportunity scholarships to dependent children with special education needs. Opportunity scholarships are set at $7,500 a year and would be available to approximately 250 children under the pilot program for the purpose of attending a private, public or charter school of choice. The Department of Defense would administer the program, in coordination with the Secretary of Education.

Sarbanes (MD) D


Would strike Section 937 of the bill relating to Modification of Temporary Suspension of Public-Private Competitions for Conversion of Department of Defense Functions to Contractor Performance.

Murphy (CT) D


Would give manufacturers the opportunity to provide information to DoD regarding how their bid for a contract will affect domestic employment. It allows DoD to take this information into consideration, but does not mandate that DoD consider this information when awarding the contract.

Cole (OK) R Would preclude an executive agency from requiring an entity submitting an offer for a Federal contract to disclose political contributions as a condition of participation.             YES
Garamendi D


Would require the Secretary to ensure that each contractor of the Department of Defense performing a prime contract at a military installation in the United States to set aside 40 percent, by dollar value, of its subcontracting work under the contract for local qualified subcontractors. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a subcontractor shall be considered local if its headquarters is within 60 miles of the military installation.

Himes (CT) D


Would require any savings as a result of shifting to civilian employees from contractors within the Department of Defense be directed towards deficit reduction.

Maloney (NY) D


Would require public disclosure of information submitted under Section 847 of this act.

Jackson (TX)  D


Would require the Secretary of Defense, prior to awarding of defense contracts to private contractors, to conduct an outreach program to benefit minority and women-owned businesses.

Andrews (NJ) D


Would temporarily suspend the implementation and enforcement of workforce management and sourcing policies pursuant to the DOD’s “efficiency initiative.

Richmond (LA) R


Would prevent the payment of certain incentives with respect to a Navy shipyard in Avondale, Louisiana, saving the Department of Defense up to $310 million.

Mica (FL) R


Would require that the rules of engagement allow any military service personnel assigned to duty in a designated hostile fire area to have rules of engagement that fully protects their right to proactively defend themselves from hostile actions.

Flake (AZ) R


Would repeal the establishment of the National Drug Intelligence Center.

Smith (WA) D


Would amend Section 1039 to allow transfer of detainees to the US to be prosecuted in federal court. Would strike language barring transfer of detainees held abroad to the US. Would require certification by the Attorney General prior to transfer.

Buchanan (FL) R Would require all foreign terrorists, with links to terrorist networks, who attack the United States or the Government be considered enemy combatants to be tried by military tribunals, not in the civilian court system.              YES
Maloney (NY) D


Would clarify that the exemption from Freedom of Information Act for Data Files of the Military Flight Operations Quality Assurance Systems of the Military Departments is for “information contained in data files of the military flight operations quality assurance system of a military department that would reveal flight patterns or tactical techniques or tactical procedures from disclosure under section.”

Mack (FL) R


Would make changes to the language of the Sunken Military Craft Act of H.R. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. Would clarify the language of the Sunken Military Craft Act to restore its original intent, and would specify that a sunken military craft would be defined as a vessel only when on military noncommercial service when it sank.

Langevin (RI) D


Would coordinate federal information security policy through the creation of a National Office for Cyberspace, updating information security management practices, and establishing measures for the protection of critical infrastructure from cyberattacks.

Amash (MI) R


Would strike section 1034 of the bill, relating to the authorization for use of military force.

Campbell (CA) R


Would terminate the Human, Social, and Culture Behavior (HSCB) Modeling program at the Department of Defense.

Campbell (CA) R


Would reduce the baseline number of civilian employees at the Department of Defense by 1% every year for the next five years.

Chaffetz (UT) R


Would require U.S. ground troops to withdraw from Afghanistan, leaving just those who are involved in small, targeted counter-terrorism operations. The amendment would further require the Secretary of Defense to submit a withdrawal plan to Congress within 60 days of enactment.

Polis (CO) D


Would reduce the amount of troops stationed in Europe to 30,000 and would cut overall end strength levels by 10,000 a year over the next five years.

Conyers (MI) D


Would prevent funds authorized in the Act from being used to deploy, establish, or maintain the presence of Members of the Armed Forces or private security contractors on the ground in Libya unless the purpose of the presence is to rescue a Member of the Armed Forces from imminent danger.

Flake, Jeff (AZ) R


Would eliminate funds for the Mission Force Enhancement Transfer Fund.

Ellison (MN) D


Would strike section 1604, Budget Item Relating to LHA–7 Ship Program.

Sanchez (CA) D


Would reduce the funding for Ground-based Midcourse Defense systems by $100,000,000.

Jackson (TX) D


Would designate a National Day of Honor for members of the Armed Forces who have served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other combat areas.

Turner (OH) R


Would require a report on the cost-benefit analysis of migrating the management headquarters for the Air Force’s Enterprise Logistics System Program Executive Office.

Cravaack (MN) R


Would repeal Title VXII of the Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1985, which authorized the establishment of the United States Institute of Peace.

McGovern (MA) D


Would require: 1) A plan and timeframe on accelerated transition of military operations to Afghan authorities; 2) A plan and timeframe on negotiations leading to a political solution and reconciliation in Afghanistan; and 3) A new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on al-Qaeda. The amendment would clarify that nothing in this section limits the president under existing authority to go after al-Qaeda, share intelligence, or modify military strategy and tactics while redeploying US forces under the plan/timeframe required above.
