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Rep. Brooks' Statement on the Passing of Neil Armstrong


Huntsville, AL – Today Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) made the following statement on the passing of Astronaut Neil Armstrong.

“I am deeply saddened by Astronaut Neil Armstrong’s passing. Armstrong will always hold a special place in history and in the hearts of the many North Alabamians whose work at NASA created the Saturn V rocket that carried the Apollo 11 crew into space. Today we remember Armstrong’s humble spirit, dedicated service to our country, and quest to push the boundaries of human knowledge.

“I will always treasure the opportunity I had to meet Neil Armstrong when he testified before the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, and I will always remember Armstrong’s concern that America’s exceptional manned spaceflight capabilities are in jeopardy.

“Neil Armstrong was an American hero, and we can best honor his memory by continuing the mission of human exploration in space.”

Neil Armstrong and Rep. Brooks before a hearing of the House Committee on

Science, Space, and Technology on the future of human spaceflight, September 22, 2011.
