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BW tree in snow

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Feature: Ingenuity Awards

Surprising Science Blog

What’s Inside a 2,000-Year-Old, Shipwreck-Preserved Roman Pill?

Ancient Roman pills, preserved in sealed tin containers on the seafloor, may have been used as eye medicine
3:01 PM ET | By Joseph Stromberg

Surprising Science Blog

Determined Fish Climb Waterfalls With Special Sucker Mouths

One goby species in Hawaii uses its suction-cup mouth for both feeding and scaling walls, presenting an evolutionary chicken-or-egg conundrum
10:21 AM ET | By Rachel Nuwer

Science & Nature

How the Tree Frog Has Redefined Our View of Biology

The world’s most charismatic amphibian is upending the conventional wisdom about evolution
January 2013 Issue | By Helen Fields

Off the Road Blog

From the Slums of Lima to the Peaks of the Andes

After unpacking and assembling his bicycle at the airport terminal, the author heads north on the Pan-American Highway toward the mountain town of Canta
10:17 AM ET | By Alastair Bland

Innovations Blog

When Machines See

Giving computers vision, through pattern recognition algorithms, could one day make them better than doctors at spotting tumors and other health problems.
9:42 AM ET | By Randy Rieland

History & Archaeology

Document Deep Dive: Emancipation Proclamation

When freeing the slaves 150 years ago, Abraham Lincoln traded in his famous lyricism for a dry, legal tone. Harold Holzer explains why
December 19, 2012 | By Megan Gambino

Off the Road Blog

A Short Bike Ride in the Peruvian Andes

The author kicks off 2013 with a 1,100-mile cycling journey through the Andes from Lima, Peru, to Ecuador's lofty capital of Quito
January 03, 2013 | By Alastair Bland

Food and Think Blog

Don’t Wait til Mardi Gras for Your King Cake, Celebrate Tres Reyes This Weekend

The New Orleans classic has its roots in the roscon de reyes, a Spanish treat for the 12th day of Christmas
January 03, 2013 | By Derek Workman

Science & Nature

Photos of the World’s Oldest Living Things

Among the organisms documented by photographer Rachel Sussman are 80,000-year-old aspen trees and 600,000-year-old bacteria
January 2013 Issue | By Joseph Stromberg

Surprising Science Blog

Bonobos Offer Banana Bribes for Friendship

Chimpanzees will sooner kill than share food, but bonobos will sacrifice some of their own goods for the pleasure of interacting with strangers
January 02, 2013 | By Rachel Nuwer

Paleofuture Blog

George Jetson Gets A Check-Up

Medical diagnostics in the paleofuture
January 02, 2013 | By Matt Novak

Arts & Culture

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?

The digital pioneer and visionary behind virtual reality has turned against the very culture he helped create
January 2013 Issue | By Ron Rosenbaum

Surprising Science Blog

A 2.1 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Reveals Water on Mars

Chemical analysis shows that the meteorite, discovered in Morocco, contains ten times as much water as any Martian rock previously studied
January 03, 2013 | By Joseph Stromberg


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Events January 8-10: Get Sketchy, Raise Your Voice and Play Ball

This week, draw your way through the collection, join a chorale, and hear from NBA Commissioner Davi...
By Leah Binkovitz

Favorites From the Cooper-Hewitt’s New Online Collection

The museum's clothing and textiles are unwrapped for view as never before
By Emily Spivack

Events January 4-7: Talk Back to Historic Figures, Weave the Mayan Way and Unplug with Musicians

A professor and gentleman from the 19th century will take your questions, a Mayan weaver will craft ...
By Beth Py-Lieberman



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