
Past Hearings

Open Executive Session to Consider Favorably Reporting the Nominations of Ronald Lee Buch, of Virginia, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court, and Albert G. Lauber, of the District of Columbia, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court Executive Session 12/21/2012
Hearing to consider the Nominations of William B. Schultz, and Christopher J. Meade Full Committee Hearing 12/20/2012
Improving Care for Dually-Eligible Beneficiaries: A Progress Update Full Committee Hearing 12/13/2012
Tax Reform and Federal Energy Policy: Incentives to Promote Energy Efficiency Subcommittee Hearing 12/12/2012
Hearing to consider the Nominations of Albert F. Lauber and Ronald Lee Buch Full Committee Hearing 12/11/2012
Tax Reform and the Tax Treatment of Capital Gains Joint Full Committee Hearing 09/20/2012
Healing in Indian Country: Ensuring Access to Quality Health Care Full Committee Field Hearing 08/08/2012
Open Executive Session to Consider The Family and Business Tax Cut Certainty Act of 2012 Executive Session 08/02/2012
Tax Reform: Examining the Taxation of Business Entities Full Committee Hearing 08/01/2012
Education Tax Incentives and Tax Reform Full Committee Hearing 07/25/2012
Open Executive Session to consider the Enforcing Orders and Reducing Customs Evasion (ENFORCE) Act; Citrus, Cotton, and Wool Trust Funds; African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Amendments, Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) Technical Corrections, Burma Sanctions; and Russia Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) and Moldova PNTR Executive Session 07/18/2012
Roundtable Discussion on Medicare Physician Payments: Perspectives from Physicians Full Committee Hearing 07/11/2012
Boosting Opportunities and Growth Through Tax Reform: Helping More Young People Achieve The American Dream Full Committee Hearing 07/10/2012
Open Executive Session to Consider the Nominations of Mark J. Mazur, Matthew S. Rutherford, and Meredith M. Broadbent Executive Session 06/29/2012
Russia’s WTO Accession – Administration’s Views on the Implications for the United States Full Committee Hearing 06/21/2012
Confronting The Looming Fiscal Crisis Full Committee Hearing 06/19/2012
Roundtable Discussion on Medicare Physician Payment Policy: Lessons from the Private Sector Full Committee Hearing 06/14/2012
Tax Reform: Impact on U.S. Energy Policy Full Committee Hearing 06/12/2012
Combating Poverty: Understanding New Challenges for Families Full Committee Hearing 06/05/2012
Progress in Health Care Delivery: Innovations from the Field Full Committee Hearing 05/23/2012
The Social Security Administration: Is it Meeting its Responsibilities to Save Taxpayer Dollars and Serve the Public? Full Committee Hearing 05/17/2012
Tax Reform: What It Could Mean for Tribes and Territories Full Committee Hearing 05/15/2012
Roundtable Discussion on "Medicare Physician Payments: Understanding the Past so We Can Envision the Future" Full Committee Hearing 05/10/2012
Hearing to Consider the Nominations of Mark J. Mazur, Matthew S. Rutherford, and Meredith M. Broadbent Full Committee Hearing 05/08/2012
Tax Filing Season: Improving the Taxpayer Experience Full Committee Hearing 04/26/2012

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