Press Releases

January 2013

Wyden Electric Motorcycle Amendment Passes in Fiscal Cliff Package

December 2012

Wyden and Murkowski Announce Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform
Wyden Floor Statement on the Removal of Controversial Leaks Provisions from Intelligence Authorization Bill
Wyden NDAA Amendment to Hold Contractors Accountable Sent to the President
Wyden Statement on EPA boiler rule
Wyden Data Cap Legislation Will Protect Consumers and Promote Innovation
Wyden Statement on Ending Gun Violence
Veterans Affairs Department Agrees to GI Bill Housing Allowance Fix for OIT Students
Department of Energy Awards Grant for Wind Power Demonstration Project Off the Oregon Coast
Oregon Lawmakers to Pentagon: Don’t Put Taxpayers on the Hook for Contractors’ Negligence
Wyden Statement on Release of Public Interest Declassification Board Report
Statement on Energy Department natural gas export study
Wyden Amendment to NDAA Forces Pentagon to Disclose Contractor Indemnification Agreements
In Letter, Oregon Lawmakers Seek to Have VA’s GI Bill Housing Allowance Calculated Based on Where Veterans Live and Study
Wyden, Isakson Lead Bipartisan Letter Urging Morsi to Crack Down on Arms Smuggling into Gaza

November 2012

Bingaman, Wyden, Udall and Markey applaud Interior Department’s Drakes Estero decision
Wyden Places Hold on Intelligence Authorization Bill
Wyden statement on U.S. International Trade Commission solar trade ruling
Wyden: U.S. should reconsider rubber-stamping LNG exports as part of a 21st-Century energy policy
Wyden, Roe Seek Justice Department Investigation into Pseudoephedrine Tracking Program