
2013 9th District Day Announced
Posted by on December 13, 2012

My annual “Ninth District Day” conference in Washington, D.C. will be held on Thursday, May 9, 2012. Ninth District Day is a forum that brings together Washington state constituents, as well as policy, media, and other leaders in Washington D.C. Location of the event is to be determined. 

In recent years, speakers have included Washington Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, CNN Terrorism Expert Peter Bergen, ABC News Anchor George Stephanopoulos, then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, then-House Minority Leader Roy Blunt, Nancy Ann-DeParle, then-Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd, and Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Commander Admiral T. Eric Olson.
This year I will present a wide array of bipartisan speakers from the government, business, and media communities. The objective will be to educate and inform my constituents on issues ranging from technology and foreign policy to the domestic priorities and this year’s congressional agenda. The variety of topics and speakers will provide my constituents with an opportunity to gain a better understanding of how their government works and how policies impact our local community.

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