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On Today's Show

Here are stories, links, videos, etc - talked about on today's show!

11-14-12 Andy Parks Podcast

From Wednesday, Nov 14: Guests include Megan Poinski, Jennifer Harper, Charlie Hurt, Emily Miller, Katherine Timpf, Dave Boyer, Jeff Kuhner, Paul Samakow, Kerry Picket, Stephen Dinan

Lawmakers urge compromise, but refuse to budge from ‘cliff’

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times

Republicans and Democrats returned to Capitol Hill on Tuesday pledging to try to reach common ground — but as each side reinforced its pre-election battle lines, last week’s results appear to have shifted little other than the rhetoric.

PICKET:Broadwell's Denver remarks delivered same day as Petraeus statement on Libya and one day after Panetta denial

Despite the CIA’s denial that the agency was holding militant Libyans prisoners at their annex in Benghazi and the deadly attack on the diplomatic mission nearby was a motivated effort to release these individuals, evidence to the contrary shows otherwise.

President Barack Obama focuses his gaze on a reporter as he responds to question regarding the criticism of UN Ambassador Susan Rice and the Benghazi, Libya attacks, during a press conference in the East Room at The White House in Washington, D.C., Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. (Rod Lamkey Jr./The Washington Times)

Obama: No evidence Petraeus scandal harmed national security

By Susan Crabtree and Dave Boyer - The Washington Times

President Obama said he has no evidence that classified information was compromised in the unfolding scandal involving Gen. David Petraeus’ stunning decision to resign as CIA director and admit an extramarital affair late last week.

Customers line up to look at firearms at a gun shop in Fort Worth, Texas, Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008. The Cheaper Than Dirt gun store recorded a record day of gun sales the day after the election of President-elect Barack Obama and is having trouble keeping up with the demand for assault riffles. (Associated Press)

MILLER: Guns blazing since election

By Emily Miller - The Washington Times

President Obama’s re-election has sent Americans running to the gun stores. Sales of firearms and ammunition are way up in reaction to Mr. Obama saying during the debates he wants to ban everything from “cheap handguns” to common hunting rifles with scary-looking features.

A backer of President Obama shows her support by dressing in a Big Bird costume to cheer during a campaign event at City Park in Denver on Wednesday. (Associated Press)

HURT: In sum, Democrats see voters as isolated parts

By Charles Hurt

All the nerdy political gurus with their chalkboard tablets on cable news have spoken, and it is official: Identity politics won President Obama’s re-election last week.

Inside the Beltway: General quarters

By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times

“Too many generals are taking orders from their privates,” summarizes Rush Limbaugh regarding the ever-mutating news about former CIA Director David H. Petraeus. Alas, there is collateral damage from all the bombshells, however.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, is congratulated by House congresswomen, as she announces that she will stay on at that post at the U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C., Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. (Andrew Harnik/The Washington Times)

Pelosi wants to remain House minority leader

By Sean Lengell and Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times

Underscoring just how little has changed despite last week’s elections, Both chambers of Congress are poised to re-elect the same men and women to lead them into next year.

11-12-12 Andy Parks Podcast

From Monday, Nov 12: Guests include Al Cardenas, Jim Dinegar, Anneke Green, Matt Cella, Jennifer Harper, Katherine Timpf, Deborah Simmons, Shaun Waterman, Jeff Kuhner, Kerry Picket

PICKET: (VIDEO) Petraeus mistress - CIA- held Libyan prisoners cause of Benghazi attack

Paula Broadwell, the woman revealed to be now-former CIA Director David Petraeus's mistress, may have revealed that the CIA believes the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi happened as an effort from terrorists to release Libyan militia members being held prisoner in the CIA annex in Benghazi.

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