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"On Monday, I sent a letter to Speaker Boehner. The question I asked: How can we leave for recess when we're so close to a sequester and we're so close to what could possibly be a shutdown of the government if we do not act? Everyone is working. House Democrats are working, the Senate is working on their proposal, which you have seen the Senate Democratic proposal..."

February 14, 2013

"So, I’m really personally delighted to greet you and officially feel very privileged to welcome you here – I hope that you will come many times after your presidency is over, so that we can continue conversations and we can benefit from your wisdom."

February 14, 2013

“Our Democratic colleagues will offer a firm, unwavering commitment to national security and the intelligence community, to a thriving middle class and fiscal responsibility, to rural families and strong oversight in committee hearings and on the floor of the House,” Leader Pelosi said. “Each of these committee assignments is a reflection of our caucus’ ongoing work to protect and defend our country, our citizens, our values, and our prosperity.”

February 14, 2013

"But here we are again. Last year, the Senate overwhelmingly, in a bipartisan way, passed the Violence Against Women Act. Last night, they did [again]. Now, we’re calling upon the majority in the House to bring that bill to the floor. Delay is not an option, every moment of delay is harmful to women – a delay when so many women are still forced to suffer in silence in the face of abuse. It’s not an option when women fear for their lives, really – in their own homes, or in the workforce. It’s not an option when the safety of millions of Americans – members of the LGBT community, Native Americans, and immigrants are at stake, particularly with the delay in the House..."

February 13, 2013

“The President’s objectives match the priorities of House Democrats. It is time to create jobs through manufacturing, investments in education and training, and support for clean energy jobs and a modern infrastructure. It is time to heed the President’s call for real progress to reverse the rising tide of climate change, enact comprehensive immigration reform, and prevent gun violence."

February 12, 2013