image description U.S. CONGRESSMAN JOE WILSON | Serving South Carolina’s Second District

Press Release

Contact: Caroline Delleney (202) 225-2452

Wilson Applauds Approval of Reprogramming Request

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SRS Reprogramming Request

Washington, Dec 20, 2012 -

Today, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces announced the approval of a reprogramming request of $34.2 million dollars from the Salt Waste Processing Facility’s (SWPF) operational account to its construction account. The reprogramming request will save 700 construction jobs at Savannah Rive Site (SRS):

Wilson stated, “I first learned of the pending reprogramming request and the 700 jobs at stake during a December 12, 2012, meeting with Department of Energy officials. In an effort to ensure the Request was considered in as timely of a manner as possible, I hand-delivered my personal reprogramming request to the Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chairman, Mike Turner. I also spoke with Department of Energy Assistant Secretary Jeff Lane. I expressed to Secretary Lane the importance of the reprogramming request with regards to jobs at SRS.

“I truly appreciate the hard work of both the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces as well as the Department of Energy. The Second Congressional District of South Carolina can not afford to lose 700 jobs and thanks to the hard work of both, these jobs have been preserved.”

*Please find a copy of the letter Congressman Wilson hand-delivered to Chairman Turner on December 12, 2012 here.

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