Dr. Burgess on the Floor: Leave Ethanol Volumes at Existing Levels Act
Posted by Whitney Thompson on January 24, 2011
Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor regarding legislation he will be introducing, Leave Ethanol Volumes at Existing Levels Act. You can watch the video below.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • John Schuh commented on 1/28/2011
    Ethanol NO; natural gas, YES. Why burn food?
  • Carl Riis commented on 3/19/2011
    Ethanol volumes need to be reduced until they are eliminated not just left at 10%!! Not only do we no longer have a choice about putting Ethanol in our vehicles (can't find a station that is Ethanol-free) but it is destructive to parts of our vehicle and is very damaging to our boat motor. Subsidizing Ethanol production is also driving up the cost of food and research has shown it does not prevent pollution as advertised. Ethanol has become a political tool to buy votes from the corn-producing states but look what it is doing to the people of this country and the world that we help to feed. I grew up in MN and understand the farming community. Unfortunately, the "little farmers" have mostly been bought out by the big boys and commodity manipulation is just a game to them. It seems the hard-working Americans are finding fewer and fewer politicians to represent them. There is a reason the Tea Party movement is growing. It may be our only voice. We are not "radicals" as the media would like to portray us. We are just citizens who believe in America and don't want this administration to destroy it for the future and our children and grandchildren. The Tea Party is probably the only group the Progressives fear. They sure don't seem to fear the Republicans in Congress now.
  • Chad Spratt commented on 6/16/2011
    You can't be serious about deficit reduction and vote against ending ethanol subsidies. To legislators from farm states: if you want other people to cut programs they like, you need to give up this near useless costly program that you like. Compromise or get out.
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