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NOW and One Billion Rising Call Attention to Violence Against Women
Today, women and men around the world are rising and dancing to end violence against women and girls. NOW is a proud partner in the One Billion Rising actions organized by Vagina Monologues author and global activist Eve Ensler. NOW leaders and supporters are taking part in actions across the country.

NOW Salutes Senate Vote on Violence Against Women Act, Calls on House to Follow Lead and Pass Inclusive VAWA
NOW lauds today's Senate vote to pass an inclusive and long-overdue reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Despite efforts by a handful of misguided Republicans to undermine the bill's important provisions, the Senate reauthorized the act with a bipartisan vote of 78-22, sending it to the House for immediate action.

Fact Sheet: S. 47 and H.R. 11 The 2013 Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (PDF)
The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA Reauthorization) significantly strengthens the ability of the federal government, the states, law enforcement, and service providers to combat domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Forty Years After Ruling, Support for Roe v. Wade Grows in Face of Ongoing Attacks
Jan. 22 marked the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court's landmark Roe v. Wade decision that affirmed a woman's right to abortion. We are at a critical turning point in this country. On this solemn occasion we should remember the good that Roe v. Wade has brought us. We must continue the momentum we displayed at the polls in November, the passion we have shown on social media and the fervor we have demonstrated in communities across this country.

40 Years After Roe v. Wade, We Still Fall Short of Reproductive Justice
NOW President Terry O'Neill writes for U.S. News & World Report: The landmark Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion in the United States, forever changing and literally saving the lives of countless women. The impact of Roe has been both inspiring and frustratingly insufficient."

Roe v. Wade 40th Anniversary: Chapter Actions and Events
Take Action!Join a Roe commemoration event near you this January and celebrate with your local NOW chapter! Check here to see our list of actions and events hosted by our grassroots chapter network.

NOW Supports President Obama's Goal of Reducing Gun Violence in U.S.
NOW applauds President Obama and Vice President Biden for taking swift action after last month's devastating shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. We strongly support the administration's admirable goal of reducing gun violence in the United States.

Sign the petition for the ERA!
Take Action!Be sure to sign the petition on the White House website urging the Obama administration to take leadership in getting the Equal Rights Amendment ratified. If at least 25,000 people sign the petition by Feb. 10, the administration will review it and issue a response. After you sign the petition, forward the link to your friends and family. Let's get women's equality into the Constitution at long last!

President Obama: Where are the Women?
Take Action!Write to President Obama today and urge him to appoint more women to his cabinet and other top posts. We need women, particularly women of color, in high-level positions in our federal government. Women have made great strides in government, but we need a critical mass to really make a difference. Now is not the time to go back.

NOW Foundation Files Amicus Brief in Domestic Violence Case
On Nov. 20, NOW Foundation filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of 10 women's rights and anti-violence organizations. The brief supports reversal of an unprecedented award of $350,000 in attorneys' fees against a woman who accused her ex-husband of domestic violence.

NOW Cheers History-Making Wins for Women and Marriage Equality in 2012 Elections
The National Organization for Women offers heartfelt congratulations to all the feminist candidates who won last night and a sincere thanks to all the women's rights supporters who showed up at the polls and made their voices heard.

Speak Out Against Anti-Abortion Terrorism
Take Action!Groups like Operation Save America and Operation Rescue use intimidation tactics to scare away women from exercising their right to obtain abortion care. By signing this petition, you will send a message that these actions are an organized form of terrorism that must stop.

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campaigns and events

NOW 2013 National Conference
*Save the Date*
Friday, July 5 - Sunday, July 7
Chicago, Ill. @ Hilton Chicago

Ratify Women Campaign Wal-Mart: Join NOW and allies in our campaign to fight for fairness and to demand Wal-Mart change it's unfair practices! Read more.

Ratify Women Campaign RATIFY WOMEN!
U.S. ratification of the CEDAW treaty is long overdue. Get the details and take action.

Love Your BodyLove Your Body Campaign
Order copies of the winning poster and other products.

Media Hall of Shame Media Hall of Shame
NOW calls out the most sexist Super Bowl ads.

[image - One Billion Rising Logo] V-Day's One Billion Rising
On Feb. 14 we will rise and dance to demonstrate the spirit of women and men across the globe who despise the cruelty and dominance of gender-based violence.


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