Committee On

Oversight & Government Reform


March 5, 2012
Distorting The Debate Of Religious Freedom

Let’s make something perfectly clear: I support a woman’s right to use contraceptives. I don’t question whether women and men have a right to use contraception — I believe they do. This is not about religious freedom versus contraception but about religious freedom versus unconstitutional mandates. Continue reading

March 1, 2012
Obama Hasn’t Learned on Spending

Three years later, it’s time to declare President Barack Obama’s $800 billion stimulus a failure. The stimulus may have the distinction of being the most money wasted by a piece of legislation in history. The question now is: How did this administration get it so wrong, and what have they learned from their mistakes? Continue reading

February 3, 2012
Common Sense Can Win the Day with Bipartisan Repeal of CLASS

This week, the House of Representatives moved further towards repealing the largest gimmick in President Obama’s health care law, the…

December 28, 2011
The Millionaire Tax Fallacy

President Obama recently proclaimed, “This is not class warfare – it’s math.” But the math behind a “millionaires’ tax” tells…

December 19, 2011
Postal Service Should Adapt, Not Angle for a Bailout

The United States Postal Service is in a full-blown financial crisis and unless Congress acts now, a taxpayer bailout is…

December 16, 2011
The Truth About ObamaCare’s Tax Subsidies and Marriage Penalty

It was supposed to be the centerpiece of his presidency. It was the heart of his legislative agenda. When he…

December 12, 2011
Lies, Green Lies and Statistics

“Green jobs” were sold to the American people not just as a way to improve the environment, but as a…

December 8, 2011
Holder Protecting Staff Over “Fast & Furious”

As facts continue to emerge about a botched gun investigation of Mexican cartels, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has given…

October 25, 2011
On Keeping Those Cards and Letters Coming

The biggest disruptions in our lives come when the everyday things we take for granted stop working. When the power…

October 11, 2011
Delivering Postal Service Reform

Snow, rain, heat and hail haven’t yet stopped the mail, but financial insolvency and a looming bailout may stop it…