Donnelly Gives Floor Speech Opposing Proposed Cuts to Pell Grants

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Joe Donnelly gave a speech on the House floor opposing proposed cuts to Pell Grants in H.R. 1.   Donnelly outlined the importance of these need-based grants to potential students in Indiana’s Second Congressional District as a way to access higher education and therefore better compete in today’s economy.

“This bill threatens to cut Pell Grants by over $5.6 billion, denying millions of Americans, including over 20,000 students in my district, the chance to attend and graduate from college,” Donnelly said.  “The number of my constituents receiving Pell Grants has increased by over 6,000. This is possible in large part by efforts I've supported in Congress to make college affordable and provide our students with the skills needed to compete in the 21st Century global economy.”

“We need to do fiscal belt-tightening, but cutting over $5.6 billion in financial aid for Americans seeking higher education so that they may better equip themselves to compete for the jobs of tomorrow is a self-destructive act,” Donnelly continued.  “Simply put, investing in education is an investment in our future. Cutting Pell Grants is detrimental to that future.  We need to stand up for America and make good financial decisions."

To access the full text of Donnelly’s speech, click here.


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