Congressman Donnelly Announces Veterans Affairs Subcommittee Assignments

Washington, D.C. -  Today, Congressman Joe Donnelly was named to the Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health and Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs. Last Congress, Donnelly served on the Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity.

“I am very pleased about my appointments to the Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health and Subcommittee on Disability and Memorial Affairs,” Donnelly said. “Throughout my tenure in office, I have worked especially hard on veterans’ health issues. Serving on these subcommittees will allow me to work even more closely on the issues that have such a great effect on the lives of our veterans.”

The Subcommittee on Health works on issues relating to veterans’ health care, including the more than 1,400 sites of care. During his last term, Donnelly was instrumental in getting three new sites in north central Indiana—in Logansport, Goshen, and Miami County —approved to care for veterans.

With his new appointment, Donnelly plans on continuing his work to bring additional veterans health services to the South Bend area and ensuring that the Logansport Multi-use Veterans Outreach Center, which is currently housed in a temporary space, moves into a permanent building.

“Making sure our veterans receive high-quality and accessible health care is one of my top priorities. Providing these American heroes with the medical attention they need is the least we can do to give back to them for the sacrifices they made for our country,” Donnelly said.

The Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs (DAMA) handles issues relating to veterans’ compensation, pensions, life insurance, cemeteries, and burial benefits, as well as the Board of Veterans' Appeals and the Court of Appeals for Veterans' Claims. 

Last Congress, Donnelly sponsored a bill to allow veterans suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI) to receive disability benefits immediately. He also voted to provide better services to rural veterans and better mental health services to veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Last Congress some progress was made to improve the disability benefits system for veterans. However, the claims backlog is still too big and the process is too confusing. I look forward to working with my colleagues on my new subcommittee to push through permanent improvements for sick and injured veterans,” Donnelly said.



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