Congressman Joe Donnelly Discusses Conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Announces His Veterans Advisory Board

South Bend, IN -  Today, Congressman Joe Donnelly discussed the recent attention brought to the dilapidated conditions and administrative inefficiencies of the outpatient facilities at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

“I was angered to learn that some of our nation’s bravest men and women, recovering from serious war wounds, have been housed in facilities that were dirty, in disrepair and infested with vermin,” Donnelly said. “While the level of medical care provided at Walter Reed is some of the best in the world, poor living conditions for recovering soldiers and unnecessary stress and confusion for their families is inexcusable.”

Last week, The Washington Post ran a two-part series on Sunday and Monday investigating the physical facilities and bureaucratic processes at Walter Reed, highlighting poor physical conditions of some buildings on the Walter Reed campus and examples of bureaucratic bottlenecks and problems at the center.

The physical condition of the buildings appears to be symptomatic of larger, administrative problems at Walter Reed. In addition to unfinished work orders, many soldiers and their families complain of bureaucratic confusion and disorganization. Lost paperwork and overworked caseworkers who are unable to meet the needs of the soldiers are amongst the many complaints heard about outpatient care received at Walter Reed.

“These men and women have fought and shed blood on the battlefield for us,” Donnelly said.  “They deserve the level of care and housing befitting their service and sacrifice for America. As a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, ensuring the best possible care for our current soldiers, veterans and their families is one of my top priorities.  I will work with my colleagues and with the Pentagon to see that we do right by their dedication and service to America.”

Donnelly also announced the members of his Veterans Advisory Board. The diverse board, comprised of approximately thirty members from various branches of the armed services, will advise Donnelly about issues affecting Veterans.

Donnelly is a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity. The Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity has jurisdiction over the education, training, housing and employment of veterans, including the GI bill. 

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