Washington, D.C. - The Senate today is expected to pass an amendment co-sponsored by Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) lifting the policy requiring female U.S. military personnel stationed in Saudi Arabia to wear the traditional abaya garment while off base. The abaya is the traditional religious garment for Saudi women and conceals women from head-to-toe.

For most of the last eight years, officer and enlisted women who are stationed with the Joint Task Force Southwest Asia in Saudi Arabia have been required to wear the abaya when going off base, either for official duties over their uniforms or in their off duty hours.

"By lifting this policy, we are sending a very clear signal that women in the military deserve not only our respect, but international respect as well," Cantwell said.

And while U.S. military women have been required to wear the abaya even when on duty, State Department employees are prohibited from wearing the abaya when on duty because they are representing the United States. "These women may wear the abaya when off-duty if they choose, and I respect that," Cantwell said. "We should require no more of our military women."

"This country is at the forefront of embracing equality for all of our citizens, and our actions ought to show that we practice what we preach," Cantwell said. "The military has gone to great lengths to communicate to the troops that they are respected regardless of race, religion, or gender. But encouraging our military women in Saudi Arabia to wear the abaya communicates just the opposite viewpoint… it reinforces gender stereotypes and send this message to our solders that women are not equally valued."

Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) is the primary sponsor of the Smith-Cantwell amendment, which is being offered as an amendment to S.2514, the FY2003 Department of Defense Authorization bill. Senators Charles Grassley (R-IA), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Mark Dayton (D-MN), Jack Reed (D-RI), Larry Craig (R-ID), and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) have also co-sponsored the amendment.