Keli Goff
As an expert on youth and minority voters Keli Goff emerged as one of the most recognizable political pundits of the 2008 presidential election cycle. She has appeared on numerous national programs including: “The CBS Early Show,” CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” "The Joy Behar Show,” MSNBC's "The Dylan Ratigan Show," and BET’s “The Truth with Jeff Johnson,” for which she served as a regular contributor. She is the author of the critically acclaimed book Party Crashing: How the Hip-Hop Generation Declared Political Independence (Basic Books, March 2008). One of the first books to chronicle the rise of “Generation Obama,” Party Crashing has been the subject of coverage in a host of media outlets, including Vanity Fair, and EBONY Magazine. The Washington Post praised it as “engaging” and Arianna Huffington declared that Party Crashing “Should be on the nightstand of candidates on either side of the political aisle.” Her essay "Living the Dream" was featured in the collection: The Speech: Race and Barack Obama's 'A More Perfect Union' (Bloomsbury, 2009). Her second book, a novel, will be published by Simon & Schuster's Atria Books in Fall, 2011.

A Contributing Editor for TheLoop21.com and a regular contributor to “The Huffington Post," Keli's writing has also appeared in the magazines Cosmopolitan and TIME. She is profiled in the book "No Excuses: 9 Ways Women can Change How we Think About Power," by bestselling author Gloria Feldt and also quoted in the book "The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging”.

Keli holds a B.A. from New York University and a Master’s degree in Strategic Communications from Columbia University. A native of Texas, she now resides in New York City.

www.keligoff.com www.TheLoop21.com

Blog Entries by Keli Goff

Why Politics Needs More Losers Like Newt Gingrich

Posted January 9, 2012 | 19:48:50 (EST)

There are so many misstatements, distortions, exaggerations, flip-flops, falsehoods and flat out lies in politics, and particularly in political campaigns, that when a politician displays a rare moment of unquestioned honesty and authenticity, it becomes a major news story. (Remember the obsession with Hillary's near tears on the...

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Are Iowa's Republican Frontrunners Taking Cues from Sharia Law?

746 Comments | Posted January 2, 2012 | 19:27:00 (EST)

Last week, while most of us were still recovering from holiday meal hangovers, Rick Perry sent a message to those who thought that his anti-gay "Stronger" ad was the epitome of desperation and pandering that you ain't seen nothing yet. (Click here to see Perry's "Stronger" ad, Ron...

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The Best and Worst Presidential Campaign Ads of the Year

14 Comments | Posted December 26, 2011 | 22:39:01 (EST)

While Hollywood is gearing up for the Golden Globes on January 15th (also known as the precursor to its version of the Super Bowl, the Academy Awards), the political world, or "Hollywood for ugly people" as it is sometimes jokingly called, is gearing up for its own...

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The Best of the Very Worst Christmas Movies

73 Comments | Posted December 20, 2011 | 08:40:48 (EST)

Along with extra-crowded airports, there are a few other sure things we can expect each holiday season. For starters, someone will manage to get offended whether we say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays." Also, for every one hit wonder that releases an ill-advised CD of Christmas classics, such...

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Why Are Feminists Afraid to Admit the Connection Between Alcohol and Rape?

1052 Comments | Posted December 12, 2011 | 20:47:32 (EST)

It's fitting that my most recent column was about hate mail, because I have been warned by colleagues and friends that I will most likely be inundated with it for publishing today's column, but since I am a glutton for punishment, here goes.

Though a few have...

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Six Tips for Writing the Perfect Piece of Hate Mail

81 Comments | Posted December 5, 2011 | 19:00:36 (EST)

One of the most humbling things about being a writer is being reminded that you are not nearly as original as you like to think you are. I was reminded of this when famed super-lawyer Alan Dershowitz told New York Magazine that he's considered publishing a book of...

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Will the President Ever "Man Up" for Women?

419 Comments | Posted November 28, 2011 | 19:45:14 (EST)

President Obama has often spoken of the influence his mother had in shaping his life. Stanley Ann Dunham was smart, worldly, independent and free-spirited. The president has said he "learned about empathy" from her. He also learned to relate to the struggles of families trying to make...

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Would Herman Cain Still Be a Contender If His Accusers Were Black?

316 Comments | Posted November 21, 2011 | 20:48:16 (EST)

Every campaign a candidate says something that he or she ends up regretting, usually because an opponent or critic manages to prove the statement wrong in some factual or philosophical way. But rarely does a candidate prove one of his own statements wrong in the extraordinary manner that Herman Cain...

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What Justin Bieber and Gold Diggers Can Teach Us About Feminism

406 Comments | Posted November 15, 2011 | 08:04:59 (EST)

After attending Jay-Z and Kanye West's Watch the Throne concert I remarked on Facebook that I enjoyed the show -- the feminist in me notwithstanding. Between the two of them there are plenty of lyrics that would make any self-respecting feminist cringe, but there is one song that some feminists...

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The Real Reason We Should Be Offended by Kim Kardashian (And Every Other Bride Like Her)

399 Comments | Posted November 7, 2011 | 19:36:43 (EST)

Just when it seemed that Kim Kardashian couldn't do more to further embarrass herself, offend the masses and generate additional pointless publicity (which I plead guilty to giving her more of right now), she threw us a curve ball. As anyone who doesn't live under a rock now knows, the...

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Should Student Loan Debt Be a Crime?

457 Comments | Posted November 1, 2011 | 00:06:07 (EST)

An 18 year-old with no credit history and no job walks into a bank and requests a loan to buy a $100,000 condo. What is the loan officer most likely to say?

A) Sure! Let's get that paperwork started.

B) Actually, why not go for a $150,000 condo?

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Has the Time Come to End Affirmative Action?

338 Comments | Posted October 24, 2011 | 23:00:33 (EST)

It's the provocative question that polite people don't like to ask in the presence of their friends of different races. Who really has it tougher? Black person A or white person B or Asian person C, Latino person D or multi-racial person E?

Part of why that question remains so...

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The 5 Questions We All Ask That Are Absolutely None of Our Business

223 Comments | Posted October 18, 2011 | 10:00:20 (EST)

Last week I ran into one of my TV buddies in a greenroom. I hadn't seen him in nearly a year, since we last appeared on a television program together. We did the sort of catching up that we do with those we haven't seen in a while. "How are...

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Did The Media Stumble With Steve Jobs Coverage?

74 Comments | Posted October 10, 2011 | 22:20:59 (EST)

Last week America lost a man who changed the world. Without him and his visionary leadership it's arguable that I, and millions of people just like me, (including many of you reading this) wouldn't be able to do our jobs as well as so many of the small things in...

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Dear Feminists, Will You Also Be Marching In N***erwalk? Because I Won't.

Posted October 3, 2011 | 20:22:06 (EST)

The only thing more irritating than people doing absolutely nothing to make the world a better place are those actively trying to make it worse, but coming in a strong third? Those whose well-meaning efforts to make the world better are so misguided that they make things worse by default....

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Is Racism Actually Worse in the Age of Obama?

Posted September 27, 2011 | 00:00:10 (EST)

There are plenty of downsides to racism, but the biggest is perhaps the fear and paranoia it instills in those who have experienced it or seen it up close and personal.

More than skin color or even the growing racial wealth gap it is this fear that remains one...

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Rating the Runways: Which Designers Get an A+ for Model Diversity and Who Gets an F?

Posted September 20, 2011 | 08:43:30 (EST)

Last year I caused a bit of a stir, to put it mildly, when I authored a blog post which appeared on this site titled, "Why I'm Wearing Vivienne Tam and Betsey Johnson (and Why Every Black Woman Should)."

In it I argued that based on...

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Is the President Taking Political Cues From a Certain U.S. Open Champ?

Posted September 12, 2011 | 20:55:00 (EST)

Everybody's a critic when you're president. Some people don't like your politics. Others don't like your policies. Some don't like your personality. Then there are plenty who don't like any of the above. But few presidents have faced as much criticism as the current one has for one personality trait...

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How Al Sharpton Has Become Sarah Palin's Hero

Posted September 6, 2011 | 13:12:05 (EST)

Not since "Who shot J.R.?" became the defining pop culture cliffhanger of the 1980s, has America been as obsessed with a cliffhanger as we currently are with the "Will she or won't she?" Sarah Palin Circus. The speculation reached fever pitch this Labor Day weekend as Palin took...

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Why Policymakers Should Celebrate Beyonce's Pregnancy

Posted August 31, 2011 | 22:19:10 (EST)

So some of you may have heard that thanks to a lady named Irene I've been slightly distracted by having to evacuate my home so I'm just now catching up on the latest celebrity baby news. Normally I find the news that a celebrity I've never met is...

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