
Chairman Jordan Calls on the Senate to Follow the House's Lead, Act to Avert the Fiscal Cliff

Washington, Dec 28 -

Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan issued the following statement today.

"I commend the members of House Republican leadership for reminding people that the ball is now in the Senate's court. The House has done its job by approving bipartisan legislation to avoid the fiscal cliff. Our plan cuts spending and prevents harmful tax increases set to occur in just a few days. Senator Reid and his colleagues should accept the House-passed plan or approve an acceptable alternative."

H.R. 6688, the Averting the Fiscal Cliff Act, is a truly balanced approach to Washington’s so-called “fiscal cliff” that 1) cuts spending and 2) helps our economy grow by preventing tax increases on income, savings and investment. The spending cuts were modeled on the cuts found in H.R. 5652, the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act, which passed the House on May 10, 2012. The tax policies are based on H.R. 8, the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act. H.R. 8 passed the House with bipartisan support of 19 Democrats on August 1, 2012.