Featured News

Reid vs. Reid

In 2005, when Democrats were the minority party in the Senate, Senator Reid said breaking the rules to change the rules of the Senate was "un-American" and a "partisan political grab." Today, now that Democrats are in the majority, Senator Reid is singing a diff... Read More

Mr. President, Where Are the Spending Cuts?

The American people agree: Washington doesn't tax too little; it spends too much. We know the president wants to raises taxes, but many people are still wondering, where are the spending cuts?... Read More

Morning Business

Today -- The Senate will convene at noon and proceed to a period of Morning Business. ... Read More


Last week, Secretary Geithner said the administration is "absolutely" prepared to go over the fiscal cliff if it doesn't get its way on tax rate hikes. Instead of raising taxes on nearly 1 million small businesses that employ nearly 25 percent of the national workforce, w... Read More

Weekly Republican Address
We look forward to seeing @SenatorKirk as he returns to the #Senate tomorrow! http://t.co/liFlyw1g
The #Senate is in session for the last day of the 112th Congress. Votes are not expected until tomorrow afternoon.
Will be on @CNNnewsroom with @VictorCNN at ~ 10:30 am ET to discuss #FiscalCliff deal & how we need to focus on cutting spending now.
The debate in Washington must now turn to reducing runaway federal spending, it is the only way to help restore fiscal stability.
McConnell: "The president wanted tax increases, but thanks to this imperfect agreement, 99% of my constituents won't be hit by those hikes."
Senator McConnell: 'An imperfect solution' to prevent very real financial pain http://t.co/GcZGoqnP #FiscalCliff
RT @GrahamBlog: Will be speaking with @foxandfriends this morning at 9:45 am about Senate vote last night.
Happy New Year! One or more votes are still expected tonight. Follow @SenGOP_Floor for additional floor updates.
McConnell: 'We can do this. We must do this.' - #FiscalCliff http://t.co/hfqQh9wD
.@SenJohnThune: "We're talking about tax increases at a time when we ought to be talking about spending decreases." #Senate #FiscalCliff
The #Senate is in session. #JudgementDay #FiscalCliff
Wld b crazy to avoid #fiscalcliff w MORE spending & NO deficit reduction. Dem offer reportdly does that, spending $600b more! Time short DC
.@SenJonKyl is AZ Republic's Person of the Year for 2012- a richly deserved recognition. http://t.co/heW2xIF2
The #Senate will be in session at 11:00 AM tomorrow. Happy New Year's Eve!
Dems want fiscal cliff deal that raises taxes to pay for new spending. How does that reduce the deficit? Time for them to get serious.
McConnell Cites Lack of Urgency in #FiscalCliff Talks, Reaches Out to Vice President - http://t.co/3tyDiBc3
The #Senate is in session. At 2:00 PM, 2 VOTES on: (1) Baer nom (Assistant Attorney General) & (2) Galante nom (Assistant Secretary of HUD).
The #Senate is in session. Find out what's happening today: http://t.co/iXE2Foaa #FISA
The House has passed bills to #StopTheTaxHike, replace the sequester, and address the debt. Time for Sen. Dems to act. http://t.co/NWDM3DWE
Senator McConnell: "Democrats have had an entire year to put forward a balanced, bipartisan proposal." http://t.co/tsAgbcf8- #FiscalCliff
McConnell: "Here we are, once again, at the end of the year staring at a crisis we should have dealt with months ago." http://t.co/WCQWiyYr
With Deadline Looming, Congress Awaits President's Proposal for Avoiding #FiscalCliff - http://t.co/7wfbVw3i
My thoughts and prayers are with President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush for a full recovery
The #Senate is in session. Find out what's happening today: http://t.co/Z67SD6Vb
Merry Christmas!
May the grace and peace of Christ be with you this holiday season. Merry Christmas from my family to yours.
The #Senate is in session. Circa 2:00 PM, 2 VOTES on: Passage of Conference Report (#NDAA) & Cloture on Reid subst. amdt. (#Sandy Supp).
RT @JohnBoozman: Are you signed up for our online newsletters? If not, this is what you're missing. http://t.co/NIXOuMBl
I wrote in @stltoday about the need to extend tax cuts & create more certainty for Missouri families. http://t.co/LVaCR1qT #FiscalCliff
After Months Of Promising To Compromise, Senate Democrats Say They 'Are Not Taking Up Anything' From The House http://t.co/o6Eba0jm