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About Senator Graham

Date: 12/18/2012

Congressional Report Details NLRB Abuses

by Senator Lindsey Graham

Under the Obama Administration, the NLRB has become a tool of the unions and lost all semblance of being a fair, deliberative bodyThe report is a stunning record of how the NLRB is connected to and actively promotes the union agenda.


In the report, I found the actions taken by the NLRB and its General Counsel in this debacle incredibly disturbing.  I hope this report leads to corrective action which prevents these types of blatant abuses in the future.


Hats off and much appreciation go to the Oversight and Government Reform Committee for exposing the serious abuses by the NLRB.  I truly fear that what happened to Boeing South Carolina could easily happen to another company in the future, particularly one which locates in a Right-to-Work state.


Click here to read the report. 


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